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My submissive side.

Its not all about the sub me. Theres more to it than that.
5 years ago. July 5, 2018 at 12:41 AM

I did it! I made the big move and have been settling in at my new place for almost a month. Its been a really exciting and scary time for me. Im one step closer to working with my dream company, I painted a wall (trust me thats major :P) Im even half way done unpacking. 

But Im also regetting something I agreed to....

A really close friend and her partner fell on hard times this last year. Like life fucked them in the ass and left with out even a thanks. So I offered to rent them a room, I mean I got room to spare. We sat down and talked about major stuff, we have an agreement that every three months well check in and see if things are still working out.

Its just that this couple has been in a loving D/s relationship for 3 years. They understand that Ive been single for three years and have never had a D/s relationship, and we even talked about whats allowed in the shared area and whats not. But Im so fucking worried that Ill just grow resentful over time, that Ill turn bright freaking green with jealousness. Because she says she understands but then doesnt do anything. Heres two examples of what im trying to explain. 


A) Im gearing up to make this huge move, and I asked her to just put all talks of them moving in with me on ice until after the move. She not only keeps brining it up (Were going to take this and that with us but the couch isnt coming with/ Can we do this when we move in/ etc etc) but when a friend of hers (I met the guy once) ask her if he can ask me if he can rent the third room, she doesnt ask him to wait. All she told the dude was that I was busy. She doesnt explain that Im going through a really hard time with the move. And now that I moved here all she freaking talks about is them moving in. IE packing and whats going into storage. If she says the couch isnt coming with one more time I might start crying. 


B  ) lets go back three years ago to explain this next part. I was in a vanilla relationship, my ex and I drive down to the state to drop off some of her boxes for her. Wasnt alot of stuff but we wanted to help however we could. Her at the time BF/Dom was in Chicago still, so it wasnt completely easy for her being without him. Well we all hang out a couple times, ex and I where only there for like three days. But at the end she exploded on me about how hard it was being without him and how we where basically rubing it in. I felt terrible, honestly I felt so bad. I was extremly apologic and hadnt meant to do it at all. 

Fast foward to now-- But now the shoes on the other foot and she doesnt fucking care. She never tries to rain it in, its always them (IE we've hung out once alone) She talks about scenes theyve done. She talks about how she brats to him. And Ive asked her to just rain it back a bit. Ive talked to her but its like it goes in one ear and out the other. 


Shes a good friend but honestly Im terrifed I made a mistake. 

Bunnie - It sounds like you’ve all got a lot to discuss. Your feelings are valid, no one can tell you that they’re not. Unfortunately, sometimes we need to speak out, even if it’s terrifying. And I completely understand how terrifying that can be. I’m always scared of losing people I care about because of speaking out about how I’m feeling. But I’m learning that it’s also about honouring yourself too... as well as your friendship. Something that is slowly becoming clear to me is that quality output requires quality input. Those that are willing to works towards quality with you, will stay and put in the effort too. Maybe a question you could ask yourself is what type of friendship you all have, and would like to have. If it’s possible to sit down together and discuss it, it could strengthen the relationship you have. I don’t know if this is sound advice or not, but just some thoughts :) I’m sorry to hear you’re in this situation, I hope it works out for you all :)
5 years ago
Bunnie - P.s congratulations on your move, and new place and job :)
5 years ago
Hisproclivity​(sub female) - That is a hard one. I gather moving in is causing her anxiety.. Maybe she is feeling some inadequacies? The discussions of scenes and smej rubbing it in could also be her own insecurities. I would broach the subject carefully and explain possibly scene and D/s relationship business may be off limits for a bit? I also second what Bunnie said... Evaluate the friendship. You two never hang out solo, it's always both of them, do you want some gal pal time? Just be honest with them. You will be living together sooner than later; the last thing you need is to become resentful.
5 years ago
Cuvysubmissive​(sub female) - I really appreciate the feed back. My biggest concern is I have talked her about it before, I've know this woman for years and she's a close friend to me. And we've both been very vocal of doing whatever we have to do so that we dont lose our friendship. I just needed to vent.
5 years ago
Hisproclivity​(sub female) - We are here for a vent sesh anytime girl!
5 years ago

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