We see it in movies,stories all around us but when does it really hit home .is it when your life falls apart or when the doctors say there is nothing left they can do .life not like the novels songs or movies there is no rewind .no reset just the choices we've made in our life good bad all of them but where do you want to be sitting when you reach the end of your time.alone with loved ones . Perhaps its the hardest decision you will ever face . But we all at some point have to face it . As i write this i have so many memories rushing back i smile from them not because im happy but at them moments i was . My being happy has long disappeared until i look back sad fact .anyway a small piece of advice dont let life pass by get enjoyment as often as you can even when you feel like your not able to move put that foot fowards and keep going you will be glad you did . Im not asking for sympathy nor remarks just maybe a lesson someone else may not have to face and know others have been there
2 years ago. February 7, 2022 at 3:55 PM