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The Grassy Knoll

roll around in my head with me
5 months ago. May 10, 2024 at 12:40 AM

I want to reach out 

but I won't

it always ends the same 

I miss you

but it's dumb 

and I miss everyone 


Connection isn't all that rare

but people who value it are

I thought you

we did 


I don't know 

I suppose it doesn't really matter 

MsDove​(sub female){Eternal Pi} - Thing is, it DOES matter. Especially if you had already submitted to him emotionally, it feels like a free fall. You will regain your footing, but it will take time. If "the same thing happens every time", it probably is best not to re-engage again. I know it hurts, deep breath. It takes time to right yourself. ❤️

5 months ago
MsDove​(sub female){Eternal Pi} - I saw this while scrolling this evening and thought of you. Perspective:

5 months ago

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