Once a D/s relationship has become a partnership of for than a few weeks, months, even longer, we begin to feel we 'know' our Dom or sub. This can lead to that comfort of expectations, of general ideas about how we will treat our sub, or be treated by our Dom. There is a shared intimacy in those expectaions, whatever they might be.
We are linked by shared experiences. First can come some comfort in 'knowing' generally what to expect, but then the spectre of potential boredom can enter the room, as well. Always to be guarded against.
A surpising thing happened to me recently, tilting the balance, and reminding that we never REALLY know all there is to know about anyone. I was given an 'intimate' and highly personal crossword puzzle to try to complete, using what I know about its author to break the clues. The surpise was that, with near a half year of 'knowing', I still could only manage about half the answers from the clues provided.
This exercise was a good reminder that we all, every one of us, carries unknown corners, has undisclosed past history bits, or interests, and can surprise at any time, for good or not.
All relationships, especially so the online variety, carry risks and are by their nature fragile. Strive to know your other, but seek to keep the excitement of learning new things at the same time. The same applies as well to scenes and sex, where introducing new sensations now and then keeps things healthy. A reminder to keep the boredom banished....