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Longer-Term D/s Considerations

Things unseen often affect relationships. This is a (perhaps infrequent) chance to look at some of them through the lens of a decade or more of online experiences with a variety of submissive partners.
1 month ago. August 6, 2024 at 11:22 AM

Recently I've been reminded of how exciting it is to begin feeling a potential.  Will there be sparks? Will we meet and drift apart? Or dive into an incredibly rewarding D/s experience?  All those fascinating 'What Ifs' suddenly filling the fallow spaces of the mind.

The hard part is, of course, taking things slowly enough to intrigue, without being so slow as to create boredom or a turn off.  Her shyness is a major arousal, but the hesitations are an ongoing challenge.  The potential sub faces so many more potential risks and potentially dangerous pitfalls than in vanilla dating. It takes incredible bravery to be a sub.

I'm always in awe of how delicate a balance is required for a Dom and a sub to find each other, experiencing those first magic connections...Have you felt this kind of magic, too?

Blondie​(sub female){Collared} - I absolutely have! 😍
1 month ago
lambsone - I did with my last Dom. Unfortunately the relationship didn't last.
1 month ago
Little momma​(sub female) - Every time I meet a potential play partner there's the push and pull and delicate balance.
1 month ago

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