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Longer-Term D/s Considerations

Things unseen often affect relationships. This is a (perhaps infrequent) chance to look at some of them through the lens of a decade or more of online experiences with a variety of submissive partners.
1 week ago. September 9, 2024 at 2:42 PM

...Until she makes up her mind to trust you enough to submit.  

This is one of the hardest things for a Dominant person.  The ups and downs, the probing questions, those 'almost readys' followed by the pulling backs. It would be so easy to just shrug and move on...

It is almost no wonder that so many sharks are here circling the newbies hoping for a quick and easy bite, or score, or a nude flash.

But any worth his salt Dom knows that kind of conquest is empty of the real emotional connection which develops over time with a hesitant sub.  The Dom learns about her history, the hard parts of her path.  And the successes, too.  She becomes a real person worthy of admiration well before the first in person meeting.  Yes, taking it slow can be excruciatingly frustrating.  Sometimes it comes to naught as well.  Sigh.

SO, if/when a meeting and a subsequent scene takes place?  Oh Hot Damn!  Everything is so much better with a subbie partner you feel you already know, respect and desire.  All the play becomes three dimensional.  All that taking it slow time is so much more rewarding by already having clues as to how to paint the most vivid sensations she craves on her body...Her responses, too, will be more vivid for the slow-built trust she brings, her confidence  in not being hurt or damaged... Awaiting the end of Taking It Slow !

DidiRN​(sub female) - Thank you for writing this. I wish more understood that trust isn't instant, and that some of us have issues that may make it take longer.
1 week ago
shyco​(sub female) - 🥹 you took the words right out of my heart.
1 week ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - If only more understood this..thanks for posting
1 week ago

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