Let's talk about loneliness, in a room full of people; a turtle doves woeful call not answered. There is something about feeling alone; a darkness at the edges of your heart that you feel constantly.
There are some days when it's ok, when you can smile and joke, but then,
You feel it. At the edges of your conscious mind; blackness.
You see it. I'm the faces of your friends as the lovingly gaze into eachothers eyes; pain.
It consumes you. As a ravenous beast inhales it's most recent kill; blood stains it's maw, merciless. You can't fight it, you're not strong enough. It's claws fuse to your bones and meld with your muscle.
Skin to skin: a canvas of splicing.
Sinew to sinew: you won't ever escape.
A simple emotion...defined plainly yet when one tries to show someone or explain in words it always falls short. Exhausted, you stop trying to explain, to reach out to others.
Eventually, a simple touch on the arm, can cause the tears to fall.
Loneliness is something I fight with constantly. I wonder if there will ever be a day, where I don't feel this way, and I accept that there won't.