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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
10 months ago. August 13, 2023 at 11:27 PM

Siliva could not believe she was doing this.   Sure she had coffee with men in public before.  But not like this.   


Not with some man she only met online.    Specially with a man on one of THOSE websites.   But it was only coffee, ....right?  Siliva looked at her reflection as she walked up to the coffeeshop door.  The reflection looked nice and conservative: button up blouse, with tan slacks, boat shoes and the right amount of ankle and leg showing.   The door only gave a hint of the her raven hair in a ponytail.  Sunglasses hid her blue eyes, and the skittishness Silvia knew was there.   


As well as the hunger.


Silvia relaxed some as she stepped in.   Same old place she had been to dozens of times before.    Same light jazz.  Same smell of roasted beans and freshly brewed coffee.   She and her now ex husband had been in and out of here time and time again.   Sunday mornings before his golf game.    Here and there during the week, in for a quicky and then off with the boys or home for TV and a movie.

But this time was different.    This time she was going to sit across from a man who she really didn't know.   A man who was willing to open a new world to her.    A man who knew about very dangerous and seductive things. 


She passed by the normal coffeeshop patrons, like they were ghosts from a time gone by.   Those engulfed in their laptops or phones with coffee going cold nearby.   All engrossed in their own little worlds.   The groups of girls chatting up each other, while trying to look sophisticated and not noticing others benighth them.    Silvia remembered being like that before she met her husband.  A slight smile crossed her lips, thinking what she must have been like that back then.   


Silvia shook her head, to bring herself back to reality.    Again, she could not believe she was doing this.    But again she told herself she deserved this.  She needed this.   

The house was so quiet after the kids left.    The husband kept himself busy with this buddies and work and golf and puttering in the workshop.   Silvia needed someone to talk to; someone to pay attention to her.  Someone to touch her.    Silvia sought solace in her friends.   

But it seemed most were at the same stage of life as Siliva was.    Only they were willing to accept it.    They had book clubs they went to.   They became in local theater.   All in all, they existed.   They didn't live.  That is except Sarah.   

Sarah one time met Silia here at this very coffeeshop.    They sat by the window and  they talked about life after marriage was and....what it could be.  Sarah told Siliva about a darker road that could be taken and how Sarah had walked down that road.   Of course, Siliva was shocked.   Sarah had always looked so normal, but Siliva knew the same feelings were not so far beneath her own skin.   The ache, the burning, the fear.   The need to be touched, sometimes gentle and other times, so very very hard.

Sara gave her books to read.  Websites to visit and advice.  All of which came with guidelines and rules.    Sarah cupped Siliva's chin right there in the coffeeshop and told her the rules were important.   The look in Sarah's eyes showed how serious she was.    That look was gut clenching for Siliva, but it also sent a wetness between her legs.    


That meeting with Sarah was a first step for Siliva.   And here she was again to take another.......



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