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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
10 months ago. August 14, 2023 at 2:36 PM

I should leave

I should leave

I should leave

I should LEAVE!


Silvia was scared.   Scared like never before.    She could smell the stink of it on herself.  


Here she was  in the middle of a coffee shop, looking to meet a man who she has never seen before.  Her mind screamed that this place was full of strangers who had no idea what was going to happen.   Silvia didn't know what was going to happen!   Damn Sarah and her books and her ideas and her words!   What the hell did Sarah get me into, anyway?


No, Silvia thought.   It isn't Sarah's fault I'm here.   It's mine.


Damn me.  Damn my thoughts, my wants....


My needs......


Silvia shook her head and tried to get herself under control.  I can't leave now, she said to herself.   If I leave now, I'll never come back.    So do something, stupid.   Try to look like you belong.


Order some coffee.


Silvia got in line behind a couple of other customers.   But instead of looking up at the menu to choose what she wanted to drink, her mind drifted elsewhere.    She thought of the books Sarah lent her.     Two novels and one on the kind of lifestyle she was thinking of entering.   My god, she remembered, that was a big book!    The novels she devoured in a night!   Yes the dialog was bad but the scenes!   Silvia ended up dropping one in the bath as she explored her own sexuality.    She'll have to replace it before she can give the books back to Sarah.    Where the hell do you even buy such things?


Probably Amazon.   Amazon carries everything.   

I wonder if you can get sex toys on Amazon, she thought.


Silvia was blushing at that thought when it was her turn.    "What can I get you Ma'am?"  The girl behind the counter asked.   Silvia stared blankly at her.   Realizing where she was and what she should be doing, Silvia replied " A double Tall Cafe Latte please."

"Would you like that in a mug or a to go cup", the girl said almost be reflex as she rang up the order. 


"A mug please," Silvia almost whispered with her eyes closed, "I think I am going to be here for awhile" 



ladypatience - Wait. What. Nooo you can't stop there! Lol fine ill be here waiting for the next part.
10 months ago

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