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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
10 months ago. August 16, 2023 at 4:57 PM

Silvia set down her phone and picked up her mug.    Then she set it back down when she had a realization:  This was the same damn table where Sarah have put his name in her phone.   Matt's name.  Her first real time contact with a Dom.  Her only contact with a Dom.

This is getting too weird, Silvia thought.  She was suddenly ready to get up and leave her mug behind and bolt for the door, when her phone chimed a text message.    She opened up her notifications and read the message:


"Please Don't leave"


Silvia's eyes opened to the size of silver dollars.     Ok, this is creepy.  Like serial murderer level creepy.   Looking around at her fellow coffee shop customers with more than a bit of fear in her eyes.    I mean, I know what he looks like right?   He sent me a bunch of pictures!  No one looks looks like him here!  Thoughts like that ran circles in her mind.   Did he send fake pics?   OMG!

Her phone chimed again.

"May I join you?", it read this time.

Silvia breathing increased.    Her hands trembled as she keyed in her reply:



She almost slammed down her phone.   Now you have done it, she berated herself.  You are doing something stupid!   Why are you doing this to yourself?  When she looked up, she saw the door the coffeeshop open and, suddenly, there he was.   There was the man she had been texting and talking on the phone with for a couple of months.    All trim and upright.   Slightly tanned skin and greying hair.    He even had his cane for his slight limp.   And he wore a sport's coat, although no tie.    Who the hell wears a sport's coat to a coffee shop, Silvia thought.

This was Matt, in his full glory.   For once, the internet photos matched.

Matt looked around and then locked eyes with Silvia.   He smiled and walked over to her.   Silvia started to tremble.   She didn't know what to do, didn't know how to behave.    She certainly didn't know what to say to him.   She has spent months opening her heart and dreams to this man when he was a block of text on a white screen.    But now he was here!    My God, I feel so naked, she almost cried.

Matt suddenly stood before her, slightly stooped and switched his cane to his left hand, so he could hold out his right to her.   Not as a handshake, but palm slightly upraised as if to accept a gift.    "Hello Silvia, I'm Matt.   The ghost who has been haunting you the last few months.", he softly spoke with a slight smile on his face.    

Silvia still had the deer in the headlight eyes.   Not really knowing what to do, she placed her left hand in his outstretched one to do a Bob Dole shake.  But instead of shaking her hand, Matt leaned down a bit further and asked "May I?" with a twinkle in his eye.  She, of course, was still out of focus with herself.    She nodded yes as her tongue refused to work.   

Raising her hand, to pull her pull her slightly from her seat, Matt leaned down further to meet the hand half way and touched the faintest of kisses on the back of it.   The touch of his lips was as light as snow on Christmas Eve.    He then lowered Silvia's hand to almost the tabletop to release her his touch and motioned to the other chair with  the head of his cane.

"Not to be repetitive," He said "But May I?"

Silvia nodded again.   After the kiss, she pulled both hands back and put them in her lap under the table.    She felt so small and vulnerable.  She didn't know what to say or do or look or act.    She didn't feel threatened.  She didn't want to embarrass herself  or him.   She just wanted to disappear! 


She looked up, not even realizing she had lowered her head to stare at the tabletop.   Silvia was seeing that Mona Lisa smile on his face again.   She fell in love with that smile.   It bought out the laff lines at the corners of his eyes, near his grey temples.  "Silvia", he repeated " You have to do me a favor." He told her.  Silvia blinked at him.  A favor?    Oh God!  Not that so soon!  Please no!  Please God, NO!

"What favor?"  Silvia stammered back to him.

"You have to relax.  Just relax.   Take things slow.   We are not going to move any faster than what you are comfortable with."  Matt said while shifting slightly to cross his legs, the cane head hooked at the corner of the table.  "We have all the time in the world.  All I ask is to be here with me."

That, of course, opened Silvia's flood gates, above and below the table.    Here was months and months of pent up frustrations poured out of her like water from a broken dam.   While she wasn't loud with her emotions, the tears did start to flow.  She lowered her head again so no one would see she was crying, least of all Matt.   Silvia was so embarrassed by the way she was acting.   

"Silvia"  Matt's voice came softly to her ears.

She looked up with her eyes, but not her head.   Silvia could see Matt's hand outstretched again across the table, but with something in it this time.   It was a handkerchief.    A handkerchief?    Who the living hell carries a handkerchief these days?     But still, she nodded her head again and took it rather gingerly.   Wiping her eyes, she raised her head and continued to clean her face. Then she realized in horror, what was she going to do with it now?    It wasn't like she could give it back after wiping her nose with it.     Oh god.

Matt leaned back in his chair and put his hands on his knee, again with that smile.   "Maybe a small break is in order.  Would you do me a another favor and get me a coffee? House brew with room for cream ?"

Silvia nodded yet again and got up from the table. As she walked by him to get to the counter, Matt reached out and patted her on the forearm and said,

"Everything is going to be fine.   Trust me."






ladypatience - I'll be here patiently waiting for the next part.....driving me nuts lol
I should also compliment your writing. I love it! I'm really enjoying this story. I can't wait for the next part dammit lol
10 months ago

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