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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
10 months ago. August 21, 2023 at 7:17 PM

By the time Silvia had gotten to the counter, she had wiped the tear tracks away.  She hoped she didn't look a mess, or, god forbid, look like she had been abused!  That thought alone made the tears disappear.   Lucky for her, there wasn't anyone else in line.   Silvia didn't want to keep Him waiting. 

After placing her for the house brew, Silva waited to the side when she came upon a sudden realization: 


She was already serving Him.


Yes it had been a request and a small request at that, but still!   She couldn't believe it.  Ten minutes after meeting him and here she was at his beck and call.   Is this it, she wondered?   Is this what it is like?   In public even?   Wow

Silvia picked up his coffee and proceeded back to their table. All the way, thoughts were running through her head:  How do I give it to him?   Do I hand it to him?  Do I set it on the table?    Do I offer to pour the cream for him?   OMG, Silvia stammered to herself,  I hope he isn't wanting me to kneel and hand it up to him! 

When she got to the table, she bent at the waist, placing the very warm cup on her palm while holding it with the other hand.   "Your coffee, Sir." Silvia said while extending her hands towards Him.  Matt half smirked while accepting the cup and nodded to her chair.  While she was seating herself again, Silvia noticed a small package on the table to the right of her place.  

It was a yellow padded envelope, about six inches long.  Silvia could see it wasn't all the way sealed, just by the two prongs through the little eyelet thing.    She looked up at Matt who was pouring cream into his cup and not paying attention to her.   She didn't know what to do, but the curiosity was getting the best of her.  Silvia reached up a hand from under the table to pick up the package when,




She froze like small child who was caught stealing cookies.  Moving her hand back under the table, she looked up at Matt from under her brows.   "We will discuss that in a bit, my dear, " He said.  " But first, let us discuss why we are here."

Matt sat back in his chair, holding his coffee in his lap with both hands.   "Silvia," He started, "We have been talking to one another for a couple of months now.   You were wise to take Sarah's advice and calling me.    I know that was a hard thing for you to do.  But that showed me you were serious about taking that first step.   Over the next couple of weeks, you convinced me you were serious.   You are not just someone who is looking to get their rocks off by just being kinky.

Siliva waited patiently while He took a sip of his coffee.  She remembered how scared she was to make that first call.  I mean, she thought to herself, what do I say to him?   "Hi!  My name is Silvia and I want you to tie me up and beat me!"   She remembered the  groan she let out when that idea ran though her mind.   How do you start this conversation?   What do I say?!?!    Silvia almost just deleted the contact and wanted to throw her phone away.

But no.   She needed this.  She deserved this!  So he hit the green button.

Then she almost giggled herself silly when the phone rang and got no answer.   When the call switched to the voicemail, Silvia sat upright with sudden thought!   She listened to the voice on the recording, saying how He was sorry he could not take the call right now, but to leave and message.


"Hello Sir.  My name is Silvia and your name and number were given to me by Sarah Worthington.   When you have time, I wish to speak to you about learning from you.    Learning how I can do my very best for you.   Thank you!"

ladypatience - Wait. No. Is that the end Topeka?
10 months ago
TopekaDom​(dom male) - No. I thought this was going to be the last bit, but seems Silvia and Matt have other ideas.

There will be at least one more, if not one after that.
10 months ago
ladypatience - Hah! Yes! Ok I'm patiently waiting right here! 😃 so excited 🎶
10 months ago

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