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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
9 months ago. September 6, 2023 at 2:12 PM

Silvia didn't think the Great Hall was all that great.    

More like a mediocre hall, she thought to herself.  Yes it made a great entryway from the front door to the Grand Ballroom, but overall it was rather small.    But that kind of figured, being the overall building wasn't all that large to begin with and the Ballroom took up most of it.   But still, there was the entryway, the Ballroom, kitchen, even some small offices in the back next to the loading dock.

All the Elders had an office: Madam Webb, Marcus, Lord Bane and Matt's.


Goddammit, Silvia cursed to herself.   Goddamn it all to hell.


Turning around to look at the Hall, Silvia pushed those thoughts from her mind.   She needed a distraction and found it with seeing the refreshment bar was open and walked over to it.  She knew she wasn't going to allow herself to drink anything heavy tonight, but she needed something.  Anything to distract her and replace the fluid she lost with the tears.   

She also knew more tears would be coming tonight.  Many more tears.

As Silvia approached the bar, she saw it was maned by some of her favorite people of The Club.  Behind the bar stood a woman in a dress of shimmering emerald green, partially hidden by a mane of red hair down to the butt of the dress.   When Silvia got to the bar, the dress turned around and there was the face of one of the most beautiful women of The Club: Alexis.

Alexis was always a thing to behold, Silvia always thought whenever she saw the the woman.  Over six feet in height (before the stilettos), eyes to match her current dress and makeup that was always perfect.   Such a gorgeous, gorgeous woman.  It was hard to believe that during the day she was man named Steve who worked construction.   Silvia never figured out how Alexis got all that construction dust off so it didn't mess up her makeup.

When Alexis saw Silvia, she got that big sister concerned look on her face and leaned over the bar to kiss Silvia on the lips.  Silvia didn't mind though.  She didn't like anyone kissing her like that, except her Master.   But Alexis was an exception.  She always was.  

"How are you doing, Love?" Alexis asked as she moved her hands below her side of the bar.  Silvia could hear clinks of glass and ice and other things.   However, Alexis' eyes never left Silvia's face.   "I'm ok," Silvia replied. 

"Bullshit.  You wouldn't lie to me just for the practice, would you?"  Alexis shot back while bringing a glass from below the lip of bar and setting it in front of Silvia, on an available coaster.   The glass was filled with a clear liquid that was tinged slightly pink.  Silvia picked it up and looked at it then back at Alexis and asked what it was.

"Trust Mama, Love.  It don't pack much of a wallop,  but will help you get though the night.  But do drink it slow." Alexis grinned and leaned back over the bar to whisper to Silvia "I love you and wish I could take all this pain for you.  He loved you very much and I wish to fuck he didn't have to leave."   Silvia could tell there were tears in Alexis' eyes but they refused to flow, so the makeup wouldn't run.

The both of them could hear a sudden tapping on the other end of the bar.   Someone had picked up an empty glass and was using it as a hammer to get attention.   Still leaning over the bar, Alexis turned her head to the noise and growled "Bane, if you ruin my bar with that glass, very upset at you."

"Very, Very Upset".

Alexis leaned back to her side of the bar and walked down to the gentleman with the glass in his hand.  Then Silvia could see Bane in all his glory.   Lord Bane, really.  One of the Elders of The Club.   Maybe 5' 5" in height, pudgy around the middle ( he wore a vest to hide it.  It really didn't help). Although a sharp dresser in a tailor made suit of crimson with a black shirt.   But the overall look was marred by his pony tail he wore to distract from his bald plate.   He called it a "Skullet".

"Now Now Now, Alexis.  That is no way to talk.  Especially this evening.  What will lovely little Silvia think?"  Bane oozed with his silky voice.   "We need to be thoughtful of her feelings tonight.  Now be a dear and fix me my usual, wont' you?"   Silvia could see see Alexis roll her eyes and turn to get some bottles off the wall.   Seeing an opening, Bane attempted a glide down the bar to place himself next to Silva.  Silvia tried to turn to go, but felt his hand on hers.   Damn, she thought.

"Silvia my dear, please accept my condolences!  Your former Master was a great man and did wonderful things for The Club and for others.   He also did wonderful work on you.   You are such a great treasure and it will be a sorrowful thing to see you have to leave us, now that he is gone."   Alexis had returned and and placed a glass at  Bane's elbow.   However he did not pick it up.   It seemed to all involved that he did not want to remove his hand from Silvia's.

"Thank you Lord Bane.  I tried my very best for Him" Silvia returned while giving her hand a slight tug.   Bane picked up her hand and cupped it with the other.  "Oh my dear, this place will not seem the same without you.   Everyone, the staff, the guests, Everyone thinks highly of you and wishes you could stay. "

Letting go of her with one hand, he moved it to Silvia's neck and ran his thumbed the collar she wore.   "I would be happy to replace this tired, tattered thing with a collar of my own.  But say the word and you can remain with us as property of my own."


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