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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
9 months ago. September 7, 2023 at 1:51 PM

Silvia couldn't move.


It was like she was forcibly hog tied and forced to stare in the eyes of a man she really disliked.  And now, loathed with all of her being.   How dare he do that to her!

With sudden swiftness, Silvia ripped her hand from beneath his off the bar, pointed her index finger and poked Bane in the chest.  "This 'tired and tattered thing' is the gift from my Master!   It is the first and only collar he ever gave me!" She icely told him, almost a roar.  "It has been soaked in my sweat and tears and love!  Both my own and his!"

Lord Bane's other hand quickly dropped to his side.  He tried to extract himself from Silvia's prodding finger but found himself trapped between the bar and her.    Alexis just stood there, wide eyed and a smirk growing on her face.   Silvia continued to thump Bane's chest with her finger and grew more fierce:

"Yes it is worn! Yes it is creased!  But I will never, EVER, trade it in for another!  Specially from someone like YOU!"

Silvia then leaned in further til she and Band were almost nose to nose.  "And if you ever touch me again, I will personally see to it you are locked in a steel cockcage with a nine volt battery and I will personally...




the KEY!"


With the final words, Silvia drilled her finger into Bane's sternum like she was trying to pierce his heart.




She heard her name but knew it wasn't Bane saying it.   It was a voice from behind her.   She knew that voice very well.   Although spoken rather softly, it was heard all about the Great Hall.   Yes soft, but with great distinction.  A voice that understood the difference between commanding and demanding.

Silvia turned around and saw the owner of that voice.  A woman of marvelous beauty.  Her ebony skin clothed in a dress of muted purple with matching choker.    Shimmering black hair hanging down with the always present white streak running back over her head.  Silvia gathered her skirt and did a deep curty.   

With her eyes pointed to the floor, She spoke two words "Madam Webb".

Webb's eyes never left the top of Silvia's head, but everyone around the Hall knew she was taking everything in that was happening in the Hall.   The room was silent.

"Silvia," Webb repeated, "child, we have things to discuss.  Leave poor Bane alone and let us retire to my office." With that, Webb turned around and headed for a door away from the main entrance.  Silvia straighten up and began to follow Madam Webb into the doorway. 

Lord Bane, of course, could not let things go like that.   "Claire, perhaps you should discipline this thing on the proper way of speaking to an Elder.  I have a few suggestions if you need them."  He almost laughed.

Madam froze mid step.   Coming to a complete standstill, Webb clasped her hands in front of her and she shook her head like a male lion shakes it's mane.   You could almost feel the entire room cringe at her next words.

Still facing away from him, Webb said, "Bane, if you continue to use my first name without leave, I will see that Silvia's wish is granted." Turning her head to look toward Silvia, Webb finished with "Come child."  and walked out of the room with Silvia following her.


Webb's office was much like the other three: small but comfortable.   What was different, was the desk was pushed up against and faced the wall.  She only sat at it to watch the security monitors.  Cameras were set up all around The Club.  Great Hall, Grand Ballroom, everywhere.    It helped her to know everything that went on under the roof.   As the two of them entered the office, Webb approached the monitors and gave them a quick glance.   Seeing Bane still at the bar, trying to save face with those who would listen, Webb grinned and pushed a button on the desk.  All the monitors went black.

She then turned and saw Silvia still standing next to the closed door to the office.   Webb frowned with the thought of what she was about to do, but still, had to be done.  Walking to the center of the room , Webb held out her hand towards Silvia and said " Come child, kneel down so we can talk about your future." 


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