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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
9 months ago. September 27, 2023 at 2:34 PM

Silva never thought she would see a flogger in real life.   Much less 15 of them at once.

Yet here they were.   Long ones, short ones.   Red, Black, Yellow, Grey.  All the colors of the rainbow!  They were hanging on a wooden rack by their handles with all the falls dangling down.   Matt had left her in the room to bring the rack from another room and she didn't know what to expect when he came back.   And now she had to choose one for Him to use on her.    She was scared.


And excited!   After reading so many times on how floggings happened and now it was her time to have it done to her!


She looked back at Matt, as if he would give some indication on what one He thought she should pick, but he just stood there, with a smirk on His face.   "Fuck," she thought, "He's enjoying this.   He wants to see me tremble."   Turning her eyes back to the rack, Silvia slowly reached out a hand, as if to pick one.  Then she leaned down and ran her fingers across the hanging falls of 3 or 4 different floggers. 

Looking back again at the smirk and then back to the swinging falls, Silvia closed her eyes and let her hand wander.   With a deep breath, she suddenly grabbed ahold of one and stood up.   Opening her eyes again, Silvia saw she had she had picked one of the shorter ones.   Maybe fifteen inches overall.   Yellow, fairly thick falls with a matching carved yellow handle.  The leather smell intoxicated her.

Matt walked up and put a hand on her back.   His touch almost stattled her.  "You choose well my dear," He told her. "The leather is Elk and a bit heavier than cow leather. " Again Matt ran his hand down and up her back. "Now you have two choices to make.  Come."

He took her hand as he walked back to the front of his desk.   Checking to make sure the desktop was clear, Matt turned and nodded his head to the space between the desk and the green chair.  Still holding the flogger in her hand, Silvia understood what He wanted and knelt down in the space indicated.  Ass on heels, back straight and her hands on her thighs.  Only this time the flogger rested between her palm and her leg.

Leaning against the desk, Matt cocked his head and said "Do you want to continue?   Do you want to take your first step in the lifestyle?  If you do, then have to hand me the flogger and we can begin.  I will be gentle in the beginning, but as I continue, things will get more painful.  If you do not want to start this right now, place the flogger on the floor and we will discuss other things."

"This is your choice."

Silvia looked at the flogger balanced on her leg.   She then looked at Matt, blinked and thrust the flogger toward him, handle first.

"Good girl, my dear.   I am proud of you." Matt replied to her asking eyes.  Again holding out his hand, He took the flogger with one hand and helped her up with the other.  He then pulled her to the desk and steered her to the edge and facing it.  "Put your hands on the desk," He whispered in her ear.

Silvia leaned down and put both hands flat on the green desktop.  The green leather felt cool to her.  While she was wondering how much a desk like this would cost, Silvia again felt His hand running up and down her spine.  No, she thought, it was both hands.  Matt had set the flogger at one side of the desktop and now slowly massaging her back.   Silvia slightly shivered at his touch, even though her shirt.   She closed her eyes in anticipation.

First just the fingers.  They seemed to dance across her back.   Touching, not touching, touching, not touching.  Then the whole hands.   Palms flat on her back, rubbing up and down and side to side.   Pressure increasing, as He put more of his own weight on her.  Then the palms turned into claws and scratched from shoulders to the small of her back.  Silva squirmed and moaned, but her own hands never left the desktop.

As Matt's hands reached her her waist, She them grab the top of her pants and pull her back slightly from the desk.   Silvia also felt one of His feet shift her right foot back.  Then the left.   Opening her eyes again, looked at her hands and realized that her weight was now poised on them.   If she moved one of them, she would probably fall over.  Silvia gulped at the situation.

Suddenly, she felt Matt's body next to hers and His voice in her ear. "Now my dear, you have a second choice: Shirt or bare skin."

Silvia closed her eyes and shook her head.  How can I get my shirt off standing here like this? She wondered,  I can't lean up without falling over!   

Then she remembered.  


Breathing deep, Silvia spoke one word:


Matt leaned his head against hers and kissed her on the back of the head.   Then he stood back and walked around to the other side of the desk.   Silvia could see him open the middle drawer and take out a pair of scissors.  He this closed the drawer and walked around back to her side.   "Oh My God!  He is going to cut my shirt off!" rang into Silvia's mind.

She again trembled as the thought of losing her shirt in such a fashion.  Both her arms began to shake, as well as her legs.   But then she felt the touch of his hand on her back.   Slowly up and down, as if he was calming a frightened horse.   As Matt continued the warm movement, Silva's fear began to subside.  Her breathing slowed and she became calm again.


Silvia felt the scissors make the first small cut.   Then another.   Then a long sweeping cut along her spine.   Til she could feel a final snip at the collar her her shirt.   The cloth parted like wrapping paper on Christmas morning, gathering at both of her wrists on the desk.    Matt then undid her bra and slid it down her arms to lay on top of the remnants of her shirt.

She didn't know if she was going to laugh or cry, as she stood there half naked hunched over his desk.   The air felt cool on her now hanging breasts.    Silvia hadn't been this naked before a man in years.   And never in this fashion.   Don't cry! Don't cry Don't cry, she screamed at herself.

Matt set the scissors on the desktop and picked up the flogger.   Leaning down again to whisper in her ear "Are you ready my Dear?"

Silvia could only nod her head, as she was biting her lip to keep herself from saying no.  Oh please! Oh Please!  Yes Please GOD! YES!

Then she felt the first slap, as the yellow leather graced her skin.   It wasn't hard.  When she thought back on it later, she remembered like the first drop of summer rain.  Then there was another.   Like the kiss of a lover saying good morning.  But instead of a third, Silvia felt the flogger rubbed across her back.   Up and down and side to side.   

Matt then whispered in her ear "Your safeword is 'Red'. " 

That was when things started in earnest.   

Silvia felt the flogger leave her back and the stings returned.  Starting at the shoulder blades and working down her spine, the leather falls bit lovingly into her skin.   A slow rhythm started and Silvia relaxed, letting  the feeling of the falls spread throughout body.  She welcomed the touch of the flogger like that of an old friend. 

Matt increased both the speed and harshness of the strikes.   Silvia's arms began to bend slightly at the elbows, she she took on the added pressure.  He then shifted targets, moving the stings from her back to ass and legs.   She increased her breathing in an effort to keep her feet planted where he had placed them.   Her toes tried to grip the carpet and her heels lifted to put her weight in one place.

Down one leg and then up again to her ass and down the other.   Then back up again and the falls crossed her waist and   danced across her back.   Silvia was now gasping for breath.  She was ready for this to end, but prayed it wouldn't.   She was starting to get a warm, fuzzy feeling. Like being wrapped in a blanket fresh out of the dryer.   

Suddenly, her breathing slowed and she was engulfed in a state of euphoria.  There wasn't any pain.  Any bites.   Any feeling.

Then there was a far away voice.  It seemed as if someone was calling her name.  She didn't want to leave where she was, but the voice did seem insistent.  

Silvia slowly opened eyes and found herself looking into Matt's.  She could feel His arms wrapped around her body, holding her up.  She wondered how that happened.

"Hi" she said, with a sloppy grin on her face.

"Hi back" He smiled back to her.

"Welcome to my world."




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