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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
8 months ago. September 30, 2023 at 12:26 PM

Silvia stared up at the ceiling while she could feel her arms and legs being tied to the table.

Earlier in the day, her Dom Matt had requested her presence to one of the smaller play rooms within The Club.  Of course she agreed, but was curious what He had in mind.   She was still a bite sore and had more than a few bruises from their last session together.   However, she was up for a bit more "attention" and arrived at the room when he told her.

When she opened the door and walked in, she saw that not only was Matt there, but Nick and Sheila as well.   Silvia smiled at all of them, as she loved having both of the others around.  She curtsied before Sheila and kissed Nick on the cheek.    To Matt, she bowed her head and went to kneel before him when Matt stopped her by grabbing her by the hair at her neck and said "Not this time.  Strip and get on the table.

Silvia nodded and looked around the room.  This room was playroom was the one set up for medical play.   White paint on the walls, white tables and chairs, even white cabinets  with medical play tools.    There was even a full exam table.  To this, Silvia walked up and began to undress.   First her flip flops were kicked off, then she striped off her shirt and bra.   Last she stepped off her skirt and panties.   All this she dropped right on the floor and then stood facing the three of them with her hand folded just above her genitals.

She wasn't embarrassed to be naked before Sheila and Nick.   They were both old friends and play partners.   In fact, both of them being here excited her a bit.  It had been a long time since the four of them played together.  Silvia's juices started to build within her.  She watched as her Dom smiled at her and then nod to each of the other two in succession.  At the nods, both Sheila and Nick approached Silvia and began to look her over.

Without touching Silvia, the two of them  ran their eyes all over her body.   Nick in front and Sheila behind.  From the scalp to her toes, no part of her body was ignored by either one.   When the exam was done, Sheila grabbed Silvia's shoulders and spun her around.   Then it was done all over again.  The only difference was that Sheila seemed to spend more time looking at Silvia's breasts.  "Well,"  Silvia thought, "She did love her tits".

When the second exam was finished, both Sheila and Nick looked at Matt and nodded to him.   In return, Matt grinned and waved his hand at the group of them.   At this signal both Sheila and Nick grabbed Silvia by each bicep and dragged her to the exam table.    Rather forcibly, they laid her out flat and held her down as they opened drawers to get tools. 

Sliva just kept her eyes on the ceiling while all this was going on.  She wondered what the scene was going to be as she felt the leather cuffs being affixed to her ankles and wrists.   Different scenarios ran through her head when she felt all four limbs strapped down.  When Sheila and Nick finished they stepped back and Matt came into Silvia's view.   

He again smiled at her and leaned down to whisper into her ear. "My god you look delicious!"  He then moved his head down her body.  Sniffing as he moved down her body, Matt made a short stop to lick a nipple.   Then he moved over her stomach and bit her right above her belly button.   Finally he came to her virginia.  Here to took a deep breath and says "I am sooooooo HUNGRY!"

Matt then stood straight up and looked at Sheila and Nick in turn and said "I think Alexis has pizza at the bar.   Wanna go get some?"

Silvia blinked as she heard Sheila say "Yes!"  and Nick reply with "Yes, Sir.  Let's go!"

With a pat pat on Silvia's shoulder and a parting "We'll be right back babe.  Don't go anywhere."  she watched the three of them go out the door.    She figured it was a joke, she she waited for them to return.

and waited 

and waited


"Fuck," she thought to herself.


Now she wanted pizza too.


"Motherfuckers better bring some back for me"




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