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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
5 months ago. January 21, 2024 at 4:31 PM



Silvia walked around the play area at Söt­­ëria.   It was the monthly gathering and the members were all enjoying themselves.  Bottoms, or at least those playing bottoms that night, were tied to St. Andrews crosses, spanking benches, kneelers, racks, tables, and the various other fun pieces laid out on the floor.   Sounds of leather cracking and various moans mixed with the smells of hot wax, jute rope and human sweat filled the air.


Silva winked at Asheer as they stood in the center of it all.   The ever present Asheer was, again, dressed in all black.   This time it was pressed jeans, sneakers and a T shirt with a bright white "DM" centered in their chest.   Silvia admired how Asheer seemed to take in the whole floor with their crystal blue eyes without seemingly moving their head.    

"How are things going, Asheer?"  Silvia asked, while fanning herself from the heat of the room.   That many bodies with that much movement brought a lot of heat, sexual and otherwise.


Asheer snapped their fingers and continued to scan the room.  "Things are going well, MiLady.   A couple of the members have brought new people, but they seem to be following the rules and behaving themselves.  Please forgive the liberty, MiLady."


Silvia's eyes widened a bit and expressed "What Liberty?"


From behind Asheer appeared a welcomed sight of one of The Club's members: Pixie.   A short, slim girl, very reminiscent of her chozen nickname.    Short, slim with purple hair cut in her name, she also came bearing a small tray with a capped plastic glass containing a clear liquid and a straw.  Pixie was a very talented servant, showing her talents by curtsying before Silvia while holding the tray and glass with one hand before Silvia.


Silvia took the glass and nodded her head at the young girl with a smile.   Pixie smiled back and then twirled in place with the now empty tray over her and and skipped back behind Asheer, toward beverage counter in the corner of the room.    Silvia looked at glass and then again at Asheer, with a raised eyebrow.   In response,  Asheer simply grunted and went back to scanning the room.


Taking a quick sip through the straw, Silvia discovered Asheer had been right again:  7-Up.   She thought to herself that she should have known Asheer would get it right.   They always do.   She was also unsurprised They know she needed something to drink.    Things were getting hot, sexually and otherwise.   She took more of the cooling drink into her mouth.


"Wow!  You look HOT"  suddenly came to her ears from behind.   Turning, Silvia's eyes took in a rather disheveled middle aged man leather pants, black cowboy boot and a white pirate shirt open  to the slightly pudgy belly.   


"My God," she thought to herself, "He's even wearing a motorcycle vest".   Outworldly, she replied with "Excuse me?"


"That's 'Excuse me, Sir', bitch"  the man almost barked back.    His eyes were wild and sweat was running down from his receding hairline and off the tip of his nose.   The man leaned in toward Silvia and froth from his lips almost dripped down on to her cleavage.     It was all Silvia could do to keep from laughing at the man when she heard a growl from behind her.


Never taking her eyes off the man, Silvia reached back and patted Asheer on the chest.  "Don't worry, Asheer.  I've got this.  Keep your eyes on the room."  With that said, she took in another swig of her drink and swallowed to reply to the man with "So, you are?"


"Oh you are a saucy minx, aren't you." The man grinned back.  "I can't wait to...."




Silvia looked down at her glass, as she drank down the last of the 7-UP and then rattled the glass.   Paying no attention to the man's rather shocked look.   When he quit speaking, she looked up and said "I'm sorry.   You were saying....."


"'You were saying, Si...."


SLURRRRRRRRRPPPPPPP.....<rattle rattle rattle>


Silvia again swallowed again and then popped her lips.   "Sorry again.   Who did you say you were here with?"


The man could not believe what was going on.   This is not how  it was in the books, he thought.     Why wasn't she down on her knees in front of him, willing to do what ever he wanted?      GODMAMMIT!

"He's here with 'Lord' Bane", Asheer's voice floated down to them both.  Silvia uncapped the glass and drank in a couple of the ice cubes.   She worked her jaws side to side, slowly crunching the ice to small bits, her eyes never leaving the man's face.   "Maybe", she murmured, "he should go back to him then, huh."


Saying that, Silvia turned her back on the man and helped Asheer watch over the room.   Then man stammered something and then walked off.      Silvia gave a small laughed and rolled her eyes at Asheer and sighed.     "This is getting too typical" she replied to no one in particular.  



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