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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
6 months ago. March 15, 2024 at 2:12 PM



I don't know what is going on with me today.


I can't seem to connect to anything going on around me.   Am I too emotionally exhausted from yesterday's writing, cuz there is another story burbling in my brain but does not want to come out.  


There is a sub I might like to write on here but nothing witty is at my fingertips to start a conversation with.  Plus there is a detail that concerns me.   


My card games are off.   But part of that is FUCKING MORONS for partners in Spades.  


Even my solitaire is not working.    


It is days like this I need to force a subbie to all fours,  grab her shoulders and stuff myself in a hole and pump til I can pull out and finish up with my load on her back.   Then throw a towel on her and tell her to clean herself up. 


And it isn't even 10 am yet.



lambsone{countrySir} - Just relax, things will sort themselves out. Can you write down a simple outline of your next story and at least get the gist of it out of your head? That might take some pressure off.
6 months ago
TheReaper​(dom male) - Lambsone is right buddy.

I know the feeling of being fully exhausted and nothing seeming to go right. You gotta step back, take a breather, and then look at what you can do right now.
If it's focusing on the story and writing out the gist, or summary, of it then do it. It can be quite helpful in setting the straights right.
If you're into meditation, take some time and just meditate. Relax your body, control your breathing, let those energies out.
One step at a time.
6 months ago
aPeepingMom​(sub female) - Ummmm, send her that "getting to know you" video... if she doesn't laugh then she's not worth your time!

I understand the feeling though. It can be frustrating, especially when you want to take expend your energy in a way you're unable to. Big hugs, my friend.
6 months ago
decadentEssence​(sub female) - Damn! 😂😂 Solitaire not working is a bummer ☺️
6 months ago

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