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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
6 days ago. June 21, 2024 at 2:55 PM

The phone on Silvia’s desk chirped it’s ring tone.   Sighing heavily, Silvia rose from the couch, leaving the side of the man tied up on it.   She padded over to the desk, pushed the speaker phone button and said “This is Silvia.”


From the phone came a voice Silva knew very well: “Child, please come to my office.”


“Now?” she replied, glancing over at the bound and gagged man.


“Now.” The voice said and then the call disconnected. 


Silvia frowned at the phone and then turned her frown at the man.   She then strode over to the man and reached behind his head to unlatch the ball gag.  “I’m sorry, sweet man, but duty calls” she told him, as she set the gag on side table and picked up her set of safety scissors to cut the bindings holding his wrists and ankles.  


She didn’t want to keep the voice waiting and the knots would take too long.


Leaving the man to get fully out of the ropes, Silvia went to her closet and put on a green Kimmo and left the room, closing her office door behind her.   Hurrying down the hall, her bare feet making no noise on the carpet, she tapped on the door to the office next to hers and entered without waiting for a reply.


Once in the office, she saw the owner of the voice sitting at the bank of monitors that kept track of everything that went on in The Club.   The ebony face of Madam Webb turned toward Silvia and greeted her with a tight smile.    The smile faded some when Webb looked Silvia over from head to toe.   Locking eyes, the perplexity changed to questioning with a raised single eyebrow.


“I was engaged, Ma’am.” Silvia explained while she curtsied and approached Webb the managing partner of The Club. 


Madam Webb grunted and turned her attention back to the monitors.    “I’m sorry to interrupt your playtime, child, but I thought this is something you should see.”  Webb pointed at one of the monitors and then rolled her chair back so Silvia could take a closer look at the image displayed there.


Silvia walked over to the monitors and peered at the one Webb had indicated.   It was the outside camera covering the front door of The Club.   Standing there, looking straight at the camera was someone Silvia had been looking for, for some time.  


“Sarah”, Madam Webb’s voice floated from behind Silvia.


Silvia stared at the screen for a few seconds, puckering her lips in and out, then she picked up the phone to her ear and pushed a button.  Barely two rings whirred before a voice said “Yes?”


“Asheer, Please escort the lady at the front door over to Alexis.  I’ll be there in two minutes.   I’ll take responsibility for her”


Asheer’s simply replied “Yes, M’Lady” and disconnected.


Putting the phone down and turning, Silvia leaned on the edge of the desk.  She ran her hand through her hair and over her face and glanced over to Webb.   She saw Webb giving her a concerned look of sympathy.    Silvia dropped her hands and shook her head. “No,” she told her friend and Mentor, “I need to do this.”    With this final declaration, left the room to head back to her own office.

YvonneR - Oh my
6 days ago

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