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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
3 days ago. June 28, 2024 at 10:15 AM




Sarah read those five lines over and over.   When she couldn’t stand to read them again, her hand dropped to her lap and her eyes looked pleadingly towards the other woman.

“Matt wanted me to come find you, to tell you we were sorry,” Silvia explained to her friend. “We were selfish.   I wanted to learn so much from Matt and He thought he saw a jewel to be polished.  He put you on the back burner and then ignored you.   I ignored you.   You deserved attention and we didn’t give it to you.”

Silvia turned back to her drink and took a healthy sip.   “So, of course, you lashed out.  You told people things about us, you scened with less talented people.  Hell, you even slept with Lord Bane.”  She finished her drink in one last gulp and set the empty glass back on the bar.

Hearing Silvia’s words, Sarah dropped her head to look at the note in her lap.   Too embarrassed to make eye contact,  She said “I know, I know, I know I shouldn’t have, but I was so hurt and….”

Suddenly Sarah felt a grip on her hand and was pulled off her stool.   She looked up and could only see Silvia’s back with her arm almost yanking Sarah along.    She saw they were heading for the door to the Grand Ballroom.    Silvia stopped long enough to unlock the door and dragged Sarah inside, locking entry behind them.

Once inside, Silvia let go of Sarah’s hand and walked deeper into the large room.   Sarah knew from experience that this was where all the work of The Club happened.   She looked around and saw the dungeon furniture.  The Saint Andrew’s crosses, the spanking benches, whipping posts, suspension rigs, and the rest.     Some she used and others she had no experience with.

Looking around again, she found Silvia had made her way to one of the spanking benches and a nearby table.    Making her own way there, she saw the other woman had stripped naked and was picking up a set of ankle cuffs.   By the time Sarah got to the bench, Silvia had put on the cuffs on herself and was reaching to pick up a set of wrist ones.

“Silvia, what are you….”  Sara was asking when Silvia grasped her by the shoulders and pulled her in close.  Their lips met in a rush of heat and wetness, Silvia’s bare breasts crushing against Sarah’s shirt. 

Silvia unlocked her lips from Sarah’s and whispered in her ear “I need forgiveness….Please!”  She then pushed Sarah back at arm’s length put the cuffs into her hands.  

Looking from the cuffs to the naked woman before her, Sarah was stuck by the simple beauty that was Silvia.   Her pale skin and waist length black hair.    Her eyes that cried for forgiveness, almost deep blue in the half light of the Ballroom.   

Sarah nodded and strapped the cuffs to each of Silvia’s wrists.

She then grabbed a handful of hair at Silvia’s neck and marched her over to the spanking bench.   Forcing her down on the bench lengthwise, Sarah held Silvia down by the back of the neck while her other hand clipped the left wrist and ankle to the arms of the bench.    She then switched hands and did the same for the right side.

Standing back, Sarah admired Silvia’s body.    The bench made it so Silvia’s ass and pussy were fully exposed at one end of the bench with her legs were separated,  so one  could be in between them.  At the other end, Silvia’s head hung down with her arms out before her.   

Turning back to the table, Sarah picked up a blindfold and a short tailed single whip.   It was of a kind she had used before.    She knew very well what kind of pain it could inflict.  They hurt a lot.

Sarah then approached the front of the bench and lifted Silvia’s head.   Kissing her lightly on forehead, she put the blindfold on her captive, and then whispered in her ear, “Your safeword is ‘Matt’. She  then flicked the whip on Silvia’s right ass cheek.

Silvia’s head snapped back in pain, as a half choked scream escaped her mouth.  Before she knew it, three more strikes walked up and down her body.   Her lower back, and the back of each thigh.  All three places seemed to light up at once!  

Then there was no new pain, just the throb of fading hits.    Her breath heavy with trying to process the slowly receding  pain,  when Sarah’s voice boomed  “Count them!”

A searing bite ignited her right shoulder blade.  “One!”  Silvia cried!  Then her left shoulder blade “Two!”  Both ass cheeks seemed to sear at the same time “Three! Four!”

Silvia’s tears flowed from behind the blindfold and run down her face.   She wanted to cry, oh how she wanted to cry, but held off as much as she could!  Hornet stings struck both thighs and her screams of “Five! Six!” filled the open ballroom.   She cried as the whipping stopped.

Then without warning, two more stung Silvia with great pain.   One on each libia. 

“Seven, Eight”, she almost could not get the words out.    Silvia then reared back her head and screamed:


Sarah dropped the whip to the floor and laid on top of Silvia from behind, their heads next to one another.   She whispered soft cooing sounds, much like soothing a small child, kissing each red spot on Silvia’s back.   She then stood and went to the table to retrieve a folded blanket and came back to still sobbing woman.

After unlatching each cuff, Sarah wrapped Silvia in the cloth warmness and helped her off the bench.   Together they staggered to a leather couch and Sarah gently her friend on it.   Silvia looked back at Sarah, slightly shivering in the folds of the blanket.   Sarah returned the questioning look, and then proceeded to undress herself.

Shoes, dress, bra, panties, all piled themselves next the couch.   Sarah leaned down as Silvia opened the blanket to welcome her.    Sarah’s skin became slick with Silvia’s sweat and her tongue  tasted the saltiness of Silvia’s tears.    Silvia wrapped her arms around Sarah’s back and pulled her in as close as she could.

Legs intertwined and hands groped and fondled.  Groans rose and breathing deepened.   In time, climax was reached for each of them and they collapsed into a heap of sweat, hair and blanket on the couch together.  After a while, Silvia pulled Sarah’s head back by the hair, so she could speak to her.

“There is something on the table Matt wanted you to have.  Please go get it”

Sarah looked quizzically into Silvia’s eyes and then over to the table.   Not wanting to the comfort of Silvia’s warmth but drawn to see what it was, she rose and padded over to the table. 

There sitting among the paddles, coils of rope, knives and other instruments, was a small flat box topped with a bow.    Sarah giggled, a red bow.  Matt’s favorite color.   Picking up the box, she went back to the couch where Silvia was now sitting up, the blanket wrapped around her waist.

Sarah sat next to her and raised an eyebrow, holding the box across her palm.   Silvia kept her face blank as she wound her hair up in a bun, saying nothing more than “Open it.”

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