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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
2 months ago. July 21, 2024 at 4:21 PM



The subject awoke to find herself sitting in a chair.    As her eyes gained focus, she looked around to find herself in a small white room with white floor tiles.  They made her feet cold.   She then realized the reason her feet were cold was because she was barefooted.   Where were her shoes, she wondered, trying to gather her wits.

Her eyes went from her bare feet to her bare legs and saw the edge of a smock across her thighs.  She shifted her gaze to her chest and saw she was wearing a medical smock, the kind you had physical exams in when at the Doctor's office.   The subject jumped out of the chair she was sitting and twirled in a circle to see the back of the smock.

Then she suddenly got dizzy.   Staggering forward, while one hand held her head, in an effort to fight off the dizziness,  she found herself leaning against a solid object.  The subject blinked her eyes in an effort to clear them and then saw was she was leaning against.

It was a medical exam table.  Only it wasn't one she had ever seen in any doctor's office.    Yes, the pedestal was sorta like the regular one but it was all white with drawers.    The top of the exam table was shiny metal.    It was so polished that when The Subject looked down, she could see her mirrored image. 

"My God!", she thought to herself, "where am I?"  The Subject stared at her image as she ran her hands through her dark hair.  She watched her self slide them down her face and over her chin.   That is when she saw the black band around her neck.   Lifting her chin and lowering eyes, the table reflection showed her she was wearing a collar of some kind.

As The Subject was feeling the collar around her neck, trying to figure out how to get it off, she heard a click behind her and someone saying "Ah! Good, you are a wake!"   She turned around and saw a slightly balding man, somewhere around 50 or so, wearing a lab coat, grey slacks and black shoes.

"Good Morning, or Afternoon or Evening.  I can never tell anymore in this place." He told The Subject.   "Please to sit and we can get started. "  Using a clipboard in his hand to point her back to the chair she awakened in. 

"Where am I?  What is this place?  Who the hell are you?"  The subject rapid fired at the Man.   

"Tisk Tisk Tisk.  Such noise..." The Man replied while shaking his head so that his glasses slid half way down his nose.   He then reached a hand into a pocket on his coat. 

Suddenly, The Subject felt a shocking bite on her neck.   So great was the pain, it dove her down to her knees.   But it didn't last long.    When she cleared the tears from her eyes, she found the man standing above her.   Smiling down, He said "Very good!  You have learned your first lesson!   Let me help you to your chair!"  With that, He reached into his other pocket and brought out a chain leash with a snap on the end.   He attached the leash to The Subject's collar and walked in the direction of the chair.

The Subject was hesitant to follow him.   When she didn't move, the Man yanked hard on the leash, without looking back.  Very hard.   This made her pitch forward on her face.    Still without looking back, He asked her "Do you wish the pain again?"

The Subject shook her head, then realized He could not see her.  "No.." she whispered, then getting up on all fours.  "Good girl" The Man's voice came from over her shoulder.   Together they went across the floor, back to the chair.  He walking and her crawling.

When The Man got to the chair, he patted the seat and said "Sit".   The Subject climbed into the chair from the floor and seated herself.   She tried to make herself as small as she could, feet flat on the cold floor, knees together and arms folded in the pit her of stomach.   She could not bring herself to look at The Man, but watched his hands as he clipped the leash to a small hole in the arm of the chair.   

And then locked it into place.

His voice said "Now we can begin...."






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