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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
2 months ago. July 22, 2024 at 3:55 PM



The man patted The Subject on the top of her head, as she continued to stare at the floor.  Turning his back on her, he walked to a corner of the room to fetch a stool stored there.      It made a loud screeching noise as he dragged it across the floor.   He placed it a short distance from her chair and made himself comfortable on it.

Pushing his glasses back in place, He spent some time reading what was on his clipboard.  The Subject didn't bother to look up, she ignored him as much as possible.  This went on for some minutes.    She began to notice how cold the room was.   Her skin was getting goose pimples and her body gave a slight shiver.

After a lengthy time, The Man let the clipboard fall to his lap, and he pulled his glasses slightly down so he could look at The Subject.  Speaking to the top of her head, He told her "My employers know who you are and who you work for.  It seems you have some information they wish to know.   What is not known, is whether you have it physically on you or simply inside your head.    So they have asked me to retrieve that information."

The Subject closed her eyes and remained silent.   A number of questions ran through her mind: How do they know that?  Who are they?  How did they get me here?   I can't tell them ANYTHING!!!

They sat together in the cold room.   The man staring at the top of her head, her trying to hug herself as best she could.  Seconds flowed into minutes and the minutes seemed like hours.

With a sigh, The Man got off the stool and set his clipboard on the seat.  "I thought that would be the case.   Seems I will have to do some digging.  That is ok.  We have plenty of time."  He then walked over to her chair and unhooked the leash from the arm. "Let's go over to the exam table.  Walking is fine, no need to crawl."

He tugged gently on the leash until she stood up, her head still down and led her over to the stainless steel topped table. Pulling out a small step stool from the pedestal, The Man patted the top and said  "Pleased to sit."

The Subject looked at the exam table, then at The Man and shook her head.  " Please don't make me use the collar.  We are going to get to know one another very well over the next few hours." He almost pleaded with her. "Sit please."

She looked at the table again and then sighed.  Giving in, she climbed up on the table and sat facing him, the leash dangling down her chest and between her legs.  He praised her with a "Such a good girl!" and started opening and closing drawers.  "Ah!  Here they are!"

Plunging a hand into one the drawer, He pulled out a set of brown leather cuffs.  These he set next to her on the table and then retrieved second set of slightly larger ones.   Putting those down with the first ones, The Man grasped one of The Subject's arms and began to examine her wrist.

He ran his thumb across the inside of her wrist and held it up to His eyes.  Turning over her hand, He did the same to the outside. "Perfect!  Simply outstanding!"  He told her, as he lifted one one of the smaller cuffs and fastened on her.   He then preformed the same operation on her other hand.

Backing up slightly, he lifted her left leg and placed her foot on his thigh.   Marveling at her well turned ankle, He grinned as He examined and looped one of the larger cuffs on her, repeating the actions with her other leg. The Man then stepped back up to her  placed his hand into the drawer more time.  This time he brought out a small padlock.  

Bringing both her hands together, he slid the the shank of the lock through the D rings on both wrist cuffs and closed the lock.

The click was very audible in the room.

"Now let's place you face down on the table, shall we?  Here, I'll help."  The Subject closed her eyes as she felt his hands turning her body so she could lie down without falling off the exam table. She could feel him stuff the leash between her arms and down to her legs.    Her breasts could feel the cold, cold table through the thin material of her gown.    When He was done arranging  her on the table, she found herself laying on her bound arms and feet as flat as they could, toes pointing straight behind her.  He had turned her head face the wall and one of eyes could see a tray of instruments on a rolling cart. 

"Very, very good, " He told her, patting her ass.  "I'm very proud of you behaving so well!"  While patting her ass again, she could hear him rattling around in the drawer again.   With a sudden slam, He moved his touch down her ass to her leg  as he moved down the table.   Reaching the end of the table, she felt Him do something to one ankle cuff then another.    Suddenly, she couldn't move her legs  together, or open them.

"There, that spreader bar will help keep you on place.    Now this will be a big uncomfortable."

There was a pulling on the leash.    At the same time, she felt her legs being pushed up towards her head.   The Subject had to choice but to make her body smaller by raising her ass in the air.  With another click, she found herself forced into the sexual position of Ass Up, Face Down.   

Then she heard the Man say "Now.  We can begin."


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