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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
2 months ago. July 23, 2024 at 2:49 PM



The Subject couldn't move.  


She was immobilized on a stainless steel exam table, face down and her arm cuffed together and forced though her legs.   This made her ass to stick up high in the air.   She couldn't because a leash ran from a collar around to neck to a spreader bar between her ankles.   

To make things worse, the medical gown she was was wearing was sliding down her back, towards her head.   The cold air in the exam room chilled her ass and vigaina as they were bared for anyone to see.   

The only thing The Subject could see, was part of one wall and a rolling cart holding a few items she could not quite make out.  But she could feel The Man's hand running up her right leg and then patting her on the ass.  She shuttered, not only from the cold of the room, but from the touch.

"There." His voice came to her. "That will keep you from getting into trouble for a bit."  He moved to her head and leaned down so she could see Him eye to eye. " Now is there anything you want to tell me before we begin?"  He grinned at her with a lear and patted her head.     

Turning his back on her, he walked over to the cart.  "My Employers want a simple four digit code.   Password, combination,  something like that."   As he spoke to her, all she could see was his back and hands as he examined various things from the cart, holding them up to the light. "Really, it makes no difference to me.   They get the code, I get to have fun. "   The man turned to look at The Subject and said "You.  You get to experience something really interesting...."

She closed her eyes and wished she could do something.   Get away, fight back...something.  But here she was trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey ready to go in the oven.   "Please let me go!  Please!  I don't know anything!" The Subject croaked out as best she could.  "I don't know what code you are talking about!"

The man sighed heavily.   "If that is the way you wish to go, then I will have to start the fun."   She snapped her eye open to see Him rolling an IV pole next to the table.    Hanging from it was red rubber bag that had a tube attached to it.    When he got to the table, he leaned down and held a black plug to her eye.  "But first a little cleansing. "

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