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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
2 months ago. July 25, 2024 at 12:55 PM



The Subject cried in her humiliation.


It wasn't the fact she was trussed up with her legs locked by a spreader bar or her hands cuffed together down by her ankles, or even the fact her ass was forced up in the air to be filled by a warm fluid.   Not even the wet sound of The Man's hand being pulled from her soaking pussy seemed to pass to her mind.

It was admitting she was a nasty cunt to Him.


And that she craved it.


The Man walked around the exam table and leaned down to her, so he could look her straight in the eye.   Reaching out to grasp her jaw with the juice covered glove, he said to her "See?  I knew we could have a meeting of the minds.    While you really didn't give me what I wanted, you admitted what you really are: A wanton little slut.   I think you are enjoying this more than me."

He gave her jaw a final shake and wiped the goo from his glove on her cheek and forehead.   Turning his back on her, He pulled off the glove and tossed it on the floor.    Then she saw him walk back to the wheeled cart and open a round container on a tray.    The Subject heard a familiar crunch as he stuck His hand into the container and pull out a medical speculum.  

Her eyes widened, not so much at the speculum itself. But at the piese of ice that fell out of the container when he pulled it out.

She tried to get off the table, but all she could manage was a wiggle.   Her ass shook the tube that ran from it to the enema bottle hanging from the IV pole.    The wiggling caused the fluid in her bowel to increase the pressure.    The fear only increased her embarshment.  

The man walked back the table and leaned down once again.   Holding the metal speculum up, working the handle, He told her "Since I didn't find anything up there by feel, I'm going to have to take a look.   A close look."    

The subject slammed her eyes shut, trying to prepare for what was to come.   She could hear His steps as He went back to the end of the table.    Then suddenly she felt the cold as he plunged the instrument into her twat. She felt as it if someone opened a door to the artic.     Her body shivered from the cold, which again made the pressure in her bowels increase more.

"Let's see what we can find, huh?"  He told her as he worked the handle of the speculum.  She felt the cold wings of the tool open her up.  He was sloooooooowly working the handle, as if her twat was fragile and he needed to be careful.  Each pump seemed to make the cold even worse.

When He finally stopped, the pressure on her twat was enormous!  The Subject didn't know she could be opened that far.  "My god," she thought, "Is he going to stick his whole hand up there??"

The Man pattered her on the ass and then ran His hand down her back and across her spine.    When he got to her neck, he suddenly grabbed her hair close to her scalp and pulled her head up.    He shook her so she would focus on him and then reached his other hand into a pocket of his lab coat.

"Now, we are going to have to get a bit serious."  He told her.  "I think you should tell me what that code is before things get beyond what you can handle.   What is the code?"

The Subject clamped her mouth closed and shook her head.   The Man sighed and pulled his hand from the pocket and showed was was there to her.   It was a small wand of some sort, that gave a small buzzing sound when He triggered it.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me?"  He asked her with a slight frown.   Again she clamped her mouth and shook her head.

"Ok," He replied and touched the wand to the table top.

She felt a slight tingle going from the table to her body.   From her shoulders to her tits to arms and all down her body, the sensation seemed to travel from head to foot.    It wasn't painful but still it was there.

Letting go of her head, The Man walked once again to the other end of the table.  "Guess I will have to up the voltage a few notches" He remarked, as he turned a control on the wand.   "Are you sure you don't want to tell me the code?"

Before she had a chance to make any kind of reply, there was an explosion of pain from her vagina. A biting pain.   The pain of electricity. 

The Subject screamed and then cried again.

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