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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 month ago. August 4, 2024 at 11:38 AM


(Before you read this post, you may wish to read this Trigger Warning Here)



The slave didn’t know how long the van drove around.    It seemed to go on for hours.    Through various turns and straightaways, it never stopped moving.  

She spent her time waiting and trying to move around the crate as best she could.    First one way, then another, to keep her arms, legs and back from cramping up.    Surprisingly, her wrists felt fine.   She was worried the handcuffs would close more and cause some damage, but they seemed locked in position.

During one of her shifting attempts, the van finally did stop.  But, for only a short period of time.   Then it back up for a piece and then stopped again and the engine turned off.

The slave heard the back doors of the van open but could not get turned around to try to see what was going on.   Suddenly the crate itself moved.   First up and then side to side.   All the while it seemed as if she could hear machine noises.

After awhile she felt the crate lowered to solid something and the noises faded away.   Footsteps replaced those sounds and something else.   Something The slave could only think of something turning.

Then with grunt, the top of the crate lifted off and light flooded her.

“Get up.” His growl said.

She felt Him grab her hair again and pulled straight up.   Her legs scrambled to get under her body and help her stand.   The Man then pulled her out of what was left of the crate and walked her to a nearby chair.

This He slammed her on then turned His back.   The slave watched as he went over to a standing work bench.   On it she saw various tools and the like.   Screwdrivers, hammers, pencils.  She also saw other things.   Dildos, clamps, ballgags and other things.

But she couldn’t see what was in front of Him. The slave watched his arms move but didn’t know what he was doing.   With a final movement, like He was pulling something from the pegboard in front of him, The Man stuffed items in the side pockets of his coat.

Turning around, He walked back over to her chair and went behind her where her arms were.  The slave could feel Him undoing her handcuffs and heard him toss them to the floor.  

Breathing a sigh of relief, she was suddenly bent forward in the chair, as he forced one arm up.   After a few seconds, she felt that one drop and the other arm lifted.  Then again, it was let go.

With a flash, His own arms shot out in front of her and pulled back.   A grabbing feeling was around her neck and she heard metallic sounds behind her.   The slave reached her hands up to her throat and discovered a thick leather band around it.

He had locked a collar on her.

Her hands felt around the collar and when got to the front of it, She found the end a leash attached.  While she ran her hands down the leash, The slave also saw where The Man had replaced the handcuffs with leather ones.

A harsh tug on the leash pulled her from the chair.  Turning away from the workbench, She was forced to follow him across the room, to one of the side walls.

He then grabbed her by the shoulders, spun her around and pushed her up against the wall. Sliding His hands down her arms, He grasped both leather cuffs and clipped them together. The other end of the clip he used, he attached to the end of a rope that was hanging over The slave’s shoulder.

The rope was run though a pully above The slave and the other end ran to an electric wench.    Activating the wench caused her arms to slowly raise above her and began to pull on her wrists.  She had to get on the toes of her sneakers to keep her weight off her wrists and arms.

Happily grunting to himself, The Man switched off the wench and got face to face with The slave.   He then gripped her chin and turned her head from side to side, looking her over.   As she was forced to look to her left, He leaned further in and ran his tongue over her ear and deep inside.

She tried not to move as He explored her, but she needed to move her legs to keep on her toes.   Keeping her head turned to the side, she felt His other hand run down her torso.   First over one breast then the other, grasping and twisting each one in turn. 

Then the hand slid down her belly, which ended with a short jab of His fingers.    This caused The slave’s breath to explode from her mouth.  

When she caught her breath, she begged of him “Please Sir, tell me what you wish of me.”

This only caused The Man to grunt laugh again.  Letting go of her jaw, He shifted his hands to her the top of her jeans.   The Slave knew what was coming next and shut her eyes, even while not facing Him.

But she could feel him undoing her jeans.   First the button and then the zipper being pulled down.   The Man then took hold of the jeans on either hip and ripped the jeans down to her knees. 

The slave began to whimper as he made sure the panties followed the jeans down.   The man began to chuckle and brought his hands up to his own face.    After spitting on each one, He stepped close to her and jammed one in her vagina and the other across her mouth.

“This is the only thing that matters,” He told her, shoving her fingers inside. “This cunt is now mine.   I own it.   The rest of you is nothing more than life support for this.”  To give emphasis to His words, The Man tightly gripped her cunt and twisted.

“Your name is now Cunt.” He told her.

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