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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 month ago. August 5, 2024 at 10:39 AM



(You May want to read this Trigger Warning Here)



The slave woke up in her cage.

The cage itself wasn’t very big.  Maybe four feet by four feet, but it was only thirty inches tall.   When her Owner told her to go lay in it, she wasn’t sure she could fit.   Originally she curled up in a ball when He closed and locked the door, but couldn’t stay in that position all night.

She found the bars of the cage were far enough apart she could pass her arms and legs through them.  The slave found that laying on her belly allowed her to relax and finally get some sleep.

She raised her head up from the pillow her Owner had provided and looked out of the cage to see Him at the workbench.   It was the sound of His puttering around that had awoken her.  He, in turn, heard her movements and turned his head to speak to her.

“About time you got up, cunt.  I have things to do and you are slowing me down.”  He told her gruffly.  

Leaving the bench, He walked over to her cage and used his keys to unlock the door to it.   The slave pulled her arms in and crawled out.    She moved slowly, as she knew her blatter was full and didn’t want to pee on the floor.

As she got fully out of the cage, she raised herself to her hands and knees.    She kept her eyes down, focusing on his ankles before her.

“Do you need to go to the pee or crap, cunt?    Are you hungry?”  The Owner asked her, seemingly almost to care.

“Yes, Sir.” She spoke to his feet.  “I am thirsty and hungry and I need to pee, Sir.”


“Crawl over to the litter pan in the corner and squat there.   Don’t crap in it though.   I have bucket for that.”  He replied.  “I’ll get you some breakfast and then we can get on with the day.”

The Owner turned his back on her and walked to a small kitchenette in the corner of the room.   The slave turned her head to look for the litter pan.   Seeing it, she crawled on all fours in its direction.

When The slave got to the pan, she turned her head to look back at where The Owner was.   She could hear him in the kitchenette but could not see him.   Doing as she was told, The slave got up to her feet and straddled the pan between her legs.  She then squatted down and got her pussy as close to the kitty litter as she could.    She then looked up at the ceiling, closed her eyes and gave release of her blatter.

The urine streamed out of her like a reverse fountain.   It made a great puddle in the litter and soaked itself in.    Breathing a sigh of relief, The slave finished and then looked around for something to wipe with.   Not seeing anything handy, she waved her hips back and forth to get the last of the urine off her and stepped around from the pan.

“Breakfast, cunt.  Come and get it!” The Owner’s voice came to her from the kitchenette.   She got back down on her hands and knees and crawled her there.

Arriving in the kitchenette, she saw The Owner bent over two medium sized steel bowls on the floor.   He was breaking up what looked like a power bar into one of them.   When He was finished, He straighten up and told her she could eat but not to use her hands other than to hold the bowls.  

“But hurry up.   You are costing me daylight.”  He finished and walked off.  

The slave crawled up to the bowls and saw one was indeed filled with the ruminates of maybe two power bars.   She saw the other was filled with clean, clear water.   Going to that one first, she dipped her head down and drank the water in as best she could.

She never tasted water so good, she told herself!

The slave had to stop herself from over filling and knelt back to look at the bowl before drinking again.  Then her gaze shifted to the other bowl and her stoumach began to growl.   My God she was hungry!

Leaning down on all fours again over the food bowl, she managed to tongue one of the larger pieces in her mouth.   Her jaws happily crunched the sticky rice crispies, almonds, dried cranberries and what all.  After swallowing, she stuck her mouth back in the bowl and ate again without sitting back.   When all the big pieces where gone, The slave held the bowl with both hands and licked the bowl clean, as best she could.

When she was done, she leaned back over the water dish and drank deeply again.    As she finished her second draught, the noticed The Owner was standing next to her. 

He patted her on the head and asked “Are you finally  finished, cunt?    Took you long enough.”  The slave looked up at him and nodded.    He then leaned down and affixed the end of a leash to the collar around her neck.

“Let’s go cunt.  I have chores to do on the farm and you have to get me there.”

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