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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 month ago. August 6, 2024 at 11:03 AM



(You may want to read this  Trigger Warning before continuing) 


The Owner led His cunt through a doorway into another part of the building.  As the slave entered the area, she looked around and was amazed at what she saw.

It was like she came into a barn.   Wooden rafters with support beams, stalls for animals and bales of hay everywhere.   Looking down, she saw she was crawling on loose straw that was sticking to her hands and knees.

The Owner yanked on her leash to pull her of out her revery.   She quickly followed after him.   He walked her over to something she had never seen before.  A cart of some kind.  

It two wheels on the rear with a single seat between them.  Extending out from the base where the seat was, were two thin rails.   The ends of the rails were resting on the straw covered floor, so the cart was tilted downwards.  She also saw that next to the seat was a horse whip.

The Owner tied His end of the leash to the cart and said “Sit.  Stay.”, then wandered off to one of the stalls along the wall.  The slave sat back on her heels and watched Him as he left. 

Wondering what He was doing, she went back to looking around at the barn interior.   The slave could not get over not knowing all this existed.    But, she shrugged mentally, she’s really only seen one room, and the inside of crates and cages.

Hearing His footsteps return, she looked up and saw He was carrying a few items:  Long leather straps, a bit gag head harness and a pair of rubber shoes.

“Stand up, cunt.” He ordered.   The slave obeyed and when he stood next to her, He handed her the shoes and said “Put those on, and be quick about it.”

She got to her feet as fast as she could.  Brushing off the soles of her feet, she put the shoes on.  The slave saw they were swim shoes, rugged but worn.   “At least they fit fairly well,” she thought to herself.

The Owner nodded in approval and then reached up to her head.  Opening her mouth, He stuck the bit part of the gag in and proceeded to buckle on the harness.   Luckily, her red, brownish hair was rather short and the harness fit fairly close to her scalp.

One of the things that the slave noticed about the gag is the large rings on each end of the bit.

To each of these rings, He clipped on an end of the leather straps.    With the other ends in His hand, The Owner pulled the slave the front of the cart.    He then pushed her in between each rail and told her to pick them up.

The slave bent over and grasped a rail in each hand.   The cart shifted and moved slightly as she did this.   The Owner nodded again in approval and then circled the cart, wrapped each rein to the whip next to the seat.

After circling the cart to see if everything was in proper order, He walked in front of her and opened the two big doors in front of the cart.   Morning sun poured in and almost blinded the slave.

Seeing how she was blinking at the light, when he returned, The Owner reached into a pocket and took out a pair of sunglasses.  These he put on her, fitting the ends of them under the straps of the head harness.  He then climbed into the seat and took a rein in each hand.

“When I do this,” He told the slave’s backside, “turn left.”  He pulled the left rein hard enough for her chin to touch her left shoulder. 

“When I do this, turn right.”  He repeated the action, but for her head to snap to the right.

“This, means stop.”

The slave’s head snapped backwards, and the bit dug deeper into her mouth.

Suddenly the slave heard a loud CRACK and felt a sharp, stinging pain on her right ass cheek.  “He Yah!”  The Owner crowed, “Get along, cunt!”

Slowly but with a quickening pace, she pulled the cart out of the barn and headed down a dirt paved road.





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