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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 month ago. August 7, 2024 at 10:36 AM



The morning sun beat down upon the slave, as she pulled the cart up the dirt track.

The air was dry and the breeze stirred up dust around her.  The problem was she was sweaty from her work and the dust coated her naked body from head to foot.   Lucky for her, her head harness seemed to be soaking up the sweat from her brow before it got in her eyes.

“Pick it up, cunt.  We have places to go.”  Said the voice of The Owner, coming from the seat of the cart.  The horse whip bit her ass again, and she sped up her pace.   

Almost trotting, the slave saw where the track curved around some trees.   The bit in her mouth tugged slightly to the right, a signal from The Owner that she should follow the curve.  When they completed the curve, she saw they were arriving at another building alongside the track.

It was a small one story building with a porch and some old time milk cans sitting out front.  On the other side of the track was a large fenced in area.   Getting closer, she could see the inside of the fence was a lake of mud.

Again the whip cracked and the sting was on her back.   The slave began to run!  Grabbing each rail of the cart, she moved her legs as fast as she could!   The swim shoes on her feet pounding the dirt and raising more and more dust.

The bit pulled again to the right as she got closer to the fenced in pen.   Suddenly, her head was pulled back from both reins and His voice said “Whoa, cunt!”

The slave stopped the cart as best she could.    The sweat on her palms let the rails slide, but she was able to keep control of the cart.   When it was fully stopped, she could feel it shake as The Owner got out of the seat.   

She blinked the sweat out of her eyes as he came around in front of her.   He reached up around the back of her head and undid the harness.   Pulling it off, He tossed it on the seat and told her she was a mess.

The slave merely nodded and looked down at her dust covered body.   She saw her skin was beginning to redden under the sun. 

“Here, let me help you.”  He told her as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket.  This, he spit into and then rubbed over her face while holding her hair close to the scalp.

Twisting her head from side to side, The Owner inspected his cleaning and nodded in approval. He then dragged her by her hair, along the fence to a small gate.   After opening the gate, she shoved the slave through, so that she fell face first into the mud.

“Get on your hands and knees, cunt, and get over here”  He barked at her.

The slave forced her arms and legs down though the muck until she found somewhat solid ground.   The mud was thick and deep enough to cover her hanging tits halfway up.    Slowly she found some purchase and was able to turn herself around.   She crawled as quickly as she could back to the fence.

Looking up at The Owner, though her mud caked face, she saw He was leaning down at her.   With His hands on the top rail of the fence, He said “I got to get some things ready in the milking station.   You roam around here like a good little piggy and I’ll be right back.”  He half turned and then turned back to her, “Oh I forgot.  Here.”

The Owner reached out and tied a fake pig nose to her face.  He this wrapped a headband on her, giving her pig ears.  “Turn around piggy.”

The slave obeyed and slowly turned around.   She then felt her ass cheeks being separated and an object shoved into her rectum.   

Slapping her on the ass, The Owner cackled “Gimme an oink, piggy! Souiee!  Souiee!”

The slave oinked and grunted in response, turning again to watch Him head to the building across the track.  The cackling continued until he entered the building and closed the door behind him.

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