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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 month ago. August 8, 2024 at 12:45 PM



The slave wallowed around in the mud, like the good little piggy she was.

The dark, thick much covered most of her body.  Arms, legs and her tits were covered with it.   She knew her ass was well and half her face, from being thrown in the mud pit by her Owner.

The only area not covered was her back.  But, she did didn’t want to roll over because she was afraid she would lose her piggy nose and ears He had put on her.   She also didn’t want to dislodge the pig tail that was sticking out her asshole.

She moved around the pen, giving her something to do.   Occasionally the slave would look back towards the building across the dirt track from the pen.   She knew the Owner was inside there and was waiting for him to come back.

The slave decided to investigate the other end of the pen.   She noticed it had a awning over it and thought it might be good to get of the sun a bit.   

After getting under the awning, she found there was a trough of water and another of dry breakfast cereal.    The water reminded her how thirsty she was from the morning run with the cart.   Placing her hands on the edge of the trough, the slave dipped her lips into the water.

She closed her eyes, feeling the cool liquid slide down her throat.  In response to the soothing touch, she grunted like the piggy she was. 

The problem was the water caused another sensation in her body.  She had to pee.   Looking around, she decided to do what piggies did and moved off to the part of the pen furthest from the gate.   Once there, the slave lowered herself on all fours, to the point her chin was resting in the top layer of the muck.

Closing her eyes again, she let loose her bodily fluids into the mud.   She kept her eyes closed and grunted again as the fluids left her body.

“Here piggy, piggy, piggy!  Here piggy, piggy, piggy!  Souiee!  Souiee!  Here piggy, piggy, piggy!” 

The slave snapped her eyes open as she heard the voice of her Owner.   Seeing him walking up the gate of the pen, she trotted over as fast as she could to meet Him.   

He leaned down over the gate and shook His head in disgust at her. “You are a filthy piggy!  Now I have clean you up!   Get your ass over here!”  He told her as he unlatched the gate and opened.   She crawled though the gate, leaving a trail of the mud as she exited the pen. 

“Get on your feet, piggy, and try not to get any of your filth on me.”  The Owner barked at her, as she clipped the end of leash to her collar.

The slave stood up and looked rather embarrassed at the mud dripping from her body.   But that did not last long, as a sudden tug of the leash made her move forward, following The Owner as he crossed the dirt track towards the house.

However, instead of going in the front door He has used earlier, The Owner guided his dirty piggy around the side of the house to the back.    There, the slave discovered, was a concrete slab about 10 feet long by the same distance wide.   In the center was a drain and off to one side was a water pipe.  The pipe went up and over the slab with a shower head at the end.   She also saw a garden hose coiled up and connected to the pipe.

“Get under the shower, filthy piggy.” The Owner ordered her, “I have to get you clean before we go inside.”  

The slave nodded with her pig nose and ears bobbing up and down.   Kicking off her swim shoes, she walked over to the center of the slab and looked up at the shower head to see if she was in the right place.

Just as she glanced, cold water poured down, hitting her full in the face.   The slave raised a hand to make sure the headband with the piggy ears did not fall off.   “My God, this water is COLD!” she thought to herself, as it cascaded over face and down her body.

Suddenly the slave felt a hard scrubbing over her tits.   Looking down, she saw The Owner had gotten a brush on a long handle and was brutally running it over her breasts and belly.  

“Turn around, piggy, and bend over.”  He told her.

She did as he ordered.   Keeping centered under the chilling waterfall, the slave placed her hands on her knees and widened her stance.   She then felt the brush scrape over each leg and over her ass.   Looking down, she also saw the brush pass between her legs and then turn over.

The Owner used one end of the brush to remove the mud from her cunt, roughly running the bristles over her lips and clit.  He pressed up so hard, the slave felt he was trying to stick the end inside her.

He then moved the brush over her ass and back.   Scrubbing hard, she wondered if he was trying to remove skin as well as the mud.

As suddenly as the water started, it stopped.  The slave stood there shivering as she dripped huge droplets onto the concrete.   She stood up and was just wiping her eyes when she felt his hand  grab her throat from behind.

“I didn’t tell you to stand up, cunt.”  His hand tighten as she felt the pig ears ripped from her head.   Then the pig nose was violently ripped off and the tail yanked from her anus.

“But you aren’t a piggy anymore, are you?” The Owner asked her. “No you aren’t.   Now, you are a sad, little cow.” 

With this statement, he brought around a small cowbell into her field of vision.   He clanked it two or three times and then affixed it to her collar.    Then letting go of her throat, The Owner used both hands to grab her nipples and pull them straight out.

The slave bit her lip to keep herself from giving out a big yelp! 

He pulled out her breasts until they were as far from her body as they could.   Twisting the nipples, he said to her “Let’s go inside and see if I can get any milk from these things!”

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