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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 month ago. August 10, 2024 at 3:22 PM




The slave hung in the air like a puppet who’s master was pulling her from the stage.

Only instead of strings controlling her, it was a hook suspending her from the ropes around her tits.   The pain was enormous!  As the weight pulled her down, the rope yanked her bound breasts up and over the wooden horse.

Through it all, her mind focused on the cow bell swinging on her collar.   It clanked loudly to her.  All she could think of was the SNL skit: More Cowbell!

The slave didn’t even feel her Owner’s hands clasp itself around her ankles and swing her over the horse.    All of her attention was on the pain and the cowbell.   Even the bottle of milk, pee and cum she should be sucking on was forgotton.

The Owner centered her and went back to hoist rope.   He slowly lowered her on to the horse, stopping now and then to make sure she was going to settle on it as He wanted her to.

With the pain on her tits relieved, the slave was able to come back to reality.   She found herself with a leg dangling on each side of the triangle of the horse.   The top edge of it was beginning to bite into her pussy and ass.    The slave could feel the edge separating her lips and pushing into her clit.

As the Owner came back to her side, she blinked her way to full awareness.   She watched him bring a small stepstool  and set it next to the horse and climb it until he was face to face with her.

“That is a good cow, Bessie.”  He told her as he tilted her head backwards, so the end of the bottle pointed at the ceiling.  “Let’s get these ropes off your udders.”

The slave kept her eyes on the ceiling as she felt Him undo the hook and got the knots out of the rope.   She tried to get a sigh of relief as the ropes fell off her tortured tits, but the milky liquid gushing down her throat wouldn’t let her.    She didn’t even mind the small pain of His fingers twisting and pulling her nipples.

The Owner leaned over a bit, to reach the ropes binding her wrists behind her back.   These He undid and moved her hands in front of her body.  He then retied her wrists and raised them, placing the rope on the hook still hanging next to her.

The slave found her upraised arms caused her body to push down more.  The biting on her pussy and asshole was increased.   Nodding in self appreciation of His work, The Owner stepped down from the stool and went again to the hoist rope.

Only this time he did not move the rope very much.  Just enough to raise the slave’s hands slightly above her head.    Not far enough to even fully extend her elbows.    

But placing her arms as such brought more pressure down on her body.   It made her feel like her weight was increasing.  

As was the pressure on her cunt.

The Owner strode from the hoist rope and went over to a metal cart nearby.   On it was two rather large stainless steel cylinders.  One of the cylinders had two clear tubes: one running to the second cylinder and the other to two medium cups.

He bent over and picked up an object from one of the lower shelves of the cart.  It was a digital clock.   Placing it on the top of the cart, He then rolled the cart over to the refrigerator.   Opening the door, he retrieved a second baby bottle from inside.

Thus equipped, The Owner rolled the cart next to the slave on the horse.  After putting the two cups into a pocket, the tubes hanging out, He flipped a switch and a pumping sound started coming from the second cylinder. Climbing the stool again, He took ahold of the bottle strapped to the slave’s mouth and unscrewed from her gag.

“Looks like you are getting a little low, Bessie.  Let’s trade you out before you get started.”  He told her as the milky substance gushed from the bottle, running over her breasts and legs. 

“Look at the mess you have made, silly Bessie!  I’m going to have to clean it up!”

The Owner leaned his head down and licked the mess from her tits.   He made sure to take each nipple into his mouth and suckle it, ending with a fierce bite with His teeth.  After the bite, The Owner placed a cup onto the nipple.  

The slave felt her nipples being sucked into the deep into the cup and then release.  But not enough to let the cup fall from her breast.   Then the sucking again, then the release.

After attaching a cup to each breast, The Owner patted her on the thigh.   He turned to get off the stool but then turned back to her and placed a hand on each shoulder.  Pushing down very swiftly, He made sure she was firmly seated on the horse.  

Satisfied with her placement, He deftly skipped off the stool and went back to the cart.    Once there, He reached out a hand and flipped a switch on the clock.   It lit up and started recording the passing seconds.

“Now we will see how long you can take it, Bessie.   How long are you going to last for me?”

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