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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 month ago. August 14, 2024 at 2:44 PM



The slave could not remember how long she had sat there on the horse.

All she could focus on was the radiating pain she felt in her pussy and her asshole.   She tried easing it by pulling herself up on the ropes around her wrists, but she couldn’t make herself move anymore.   The weights her Owner attached to each of her ankles kept pulling her down, forcing her body towards the floor.

The slave then remembered the timer on the cart.  But turning her head caused her breasts to swing and that brought even more pain to her.   When her tits moved, so did the pumping cups, still sucking on her nipples. 

The slave’s eyes followed the tubes running from the ends of the cups to the container on the cart.  It was next to that container where the clock sat

The clock read 52 minutes and 10.3 seconds.

“Only that long?”, she cried herself.  

The slave shook her head in despair.  This only made the pain worse in her body.  Tears ran from her eyes.

Even so, she raised her head as she heard footsteps approaching.  Not wanting to turn her head again, she waited until the sounds came from behind her and The Owner walked into her view.

“How are you doing, Bessie?    Given me enough milk yet?”  He laughed at her, enjoying seeing her squirm.

The slave shook her head and winched.  She could not answer with the baby bottle still strapped to her mouth. Drinking as much of the white liquid as she could, there still remained some at the bottom.

“Let’s check, shall We?”  He said to her as he went over to the cart.  

Glancing at the clock and nodding, The Owner looked down at the top of the milking machine container. “Bessie! There isn’t anything in this!   Are you off your feed?”, He scolded her. 

He uttered a gruff grunt and flipped off the switch of the pump.  The slave felt some relief as the sucking action stopped on her nipples.   The Owner then walked back to her and pulled the cups from her breasts.

She screamed as best she could through the bottle! 

The returning blood flow brought a new wave of pain.   However, luckily, it was brief.  As it subsided, she relaxed her muscles and the horse seemed to rise up in her pussy.

“Poor little Bessie! “  The Owner clucked at her, “Maybe we should get you off that thing.

He went over and unlocked the weights from each ankle, dropping them to the floor.  The slave breathed a sigh of relief and then gasped again, as He wrapped an arm around her waist and yanked her from the horse.

Setting her chastely on her knees, The Owner bent her over, so her head touched the floor.  He then untied the rope around her wrists and waited until she steadied herself and caught her breath.

“You are such a good little meat, cunt.  I think you deserve a reward.”  He told her, grabbing a handful of hair and walking her towards a door on the other side of the room.

The slave followed the lead as fast as she could.  With the pain her in pussy and tits subsiding, she scrambled across the floor fairly quickly. 

Once through the door with her Owner, she looked around to see what her reward could possibly be.   What her eyes showed her was a set of stocks, just like out of a Robin Hood movie.

It was a large wooden board, about three feet long by two feet wide.  In it were three holes.   A large one in the middle and one to each side.   The board looked like it was cut in half across the width and then mounted to a stout wooden post.

“Move along, cunt.  You want your reward don’t you?”  The Owner chastised her, as he drug her over to the device.

Letting go of her hair, he got a set of keys out of his pocket and unlocked a small padlock on the edge of the stocks.   “Stand up cunt”, He barked at her, raising the top half of the stocks up.

The slave unsteadily got to her feet.   She knew what he wanted. Bending over, she lowered her head and placed her neck in the bottom of the now separated middle hole.   At the same time, she laid each wrist in the sockets next to her head.  

The Owner grunted and slammed the stocks closed, clicking the padlock shut.  He then went behind her and kicked at each of her feet, until they were positioned as he wanted.   When he was finished, he smacked her on the ass and laughed.

“And now for your reward, cunt!”  He laughed at her, as he walked round to where she could see him beginning to unzip his pants.

BellaEtAl​(masochist female) - Pillory

Sorry, now I'm invested. Started as a light read, now I have to know the whole story
1 month ago
TopekaDom​(dom male) - Did you read the earlier chapters?
1 month ago
BellaEtAl​(masochist female) - I did... And believe you asked about a featured design in an earlier installment in Forum.
1 month ago
lambsone{countrySir} - I like to ride pony.
1 month ago

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