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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
2 weeks ago. September 7, 2024 at 2:15 PM



The actress laid in her kennel, slightly dozing.


The feeling of her pee pad felt slight wooly on bare skin and the fake grass itched at her nose.    She started to scratch it with her fingers but remembered what the man had said.   Flipping her hand over, she rubbed it with the back of her hand and then laid her head back down on her arms.

Her mind went back to a few hours ago, when this adventure started.    

She remembered being on all fours before the man who was her teacher now.   She had just agreed to his training with a single "woof" and he sat back in his chair and smiled.

"Good girl!   That is a good start,"  he had told her.  "But we need more transformation than that. "  The man had stood up and walked to a small door behind the kennel.   When he opened it, the actress could see it was a small closet.  "Come," he called to her.

She crossed the floor on all fours until she was at the doorway.  "Go inside and get undressed," he ordered her.   "Neatly fold your clothes and place them on a shelf.   Put all your personal items on another shelf and make sure your phone is plugged in one of the power cords.   When you are done, paw at the door and I will let you out."

The actress looked up at him with dewy eyes and then look at the dark closet and then back up to him.

"Now," he said with a final word.

She crawled into the closet and only turned to look behind her when the door shut and she could hear that lock click.   But suddenly the blackness disappeared with a bright light shining above her.   The actress could see the shelves the man had told her about, all empty except for a couple of metal trays and usb cords running from a socket on the floor to one of the higher shelves.

Getting to her feet, she took all of the items from her pockets and placed them on one of the metal trays.  Keys, wallet, sunglasses, lipstick and other miscellaneous things.   All of this went on a tray.  She then followed his orders and made sure her phone was plugged and and set it on a shelf, giving it a firm pat.

The actress then stripped.  Shoes went on a lower shelf.  Her pants followed, folded neatly on the next shelf.  On top of them went her blouse.    The top shelf held her bra and panties.  

Turning towards the door, the actress' body suddenly started to shiver.   She really came to grips with what she was doing and where she was going mentally.    Was she really going to do this?  Going to be naked before a man she really didn't know?  What the hell was she doing?

Still, the actress felt she needed to do this.   She needed to be a dog.    She needed to know what it was that was driving her to act this way.

She lowered herself to her hands and knees.   Padding over to the door, she scratched at it when a hand and pawed at it, giving a small whine to be let out.

The man opened the door and she trotted out of the closet, looking up at him with admiration.   He patted her on the head, and told her she was such a good girl.    

"Time for a little rest I think,"  he said to her.   Going over to the kennel, the man opened the door and pointed inside.   The actress gave a short bark and crawled in.   Turning around as best she could, she watched him as he latched the door and walked out of the room.   

She then layed down on the pad that was inside the kennel and closed her eyes. 

The actress remembered all this and smiled at the recent memories.


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