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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
2 weeks ago. September 8, 2024 at 4:41 PM



The man walked over to the dog kennel and unlatched the opened the gate.


Hearing the sound, the actress awoke from her doze, shaking her head.    She got on to her hands and knees and trotted out the door.   The man had resumed his spot in the chair and she trotted over to me, sitting back on her haunches with her hand on the floor in front of her.

"Did you enjoy your nap?"  He asked, smiling at her.  "You know, we are going to have to find you a name.   We can't have you running around, barking and what not without a name.  What do you think we should call you?"

The actress blinked her eyes at him, turning her head to once side.  "How can I tell him anything without talking," she thought to herself.   Instead, she frowned slightly and gave him a small whine.

"Oh I know, " he apologized sightly to her.  "I'll just have to say some names and see if you like them.

She smiled and bobbed her head up and down.

"Alice?"  He asked and then saw she shook her head.

Trying again "Peggy?"  Another head skake.

"Uhura?"   That only brought a growl.

"How about Sandy?"

The actress nodded agreeably and ran around the room as best she could on all fours.     She returned to the man's feet and looked up at him with a smile on her face.

"Sandy it is then.   Such a good girl!"  The man beamed at her, patting her on the head.  Then he asked her a question she was not really ready for:

"Do you need to go to the bathroom, Sandy?"

The actress stopped in her tracks.   Looking up at him rather wide eyed, she didn't really know how to respond to that.   Her blatter told her she needed to go, but her brain refused to like the idea.   The only response she could come up with was a small bark at the man.

"I know, Sandy, but we all have to go sometime."  He told her gently.   The man got up from his chair and  strode over to the wall, where he retrieved a plain black leather color and leash.    Walking back to the actress, he bent down and fastened the collar around her neck, and the leash to the collar in turn.

"Come, Sandy" he ordered to her, as he gave a slight pull on the leash.   

The man walked her through a couple of rooms until he came up to a door that led them outside.   Following the man out the door, the actress saw a large grassy area.    The lawn looked freshly cut and felt springy on her hands and knees.   She dipped her head down to take in the smell of green through her nose.    Closing her eyes, she drank in the scent.    She could also feel the sun on her bare back.       The actress just wanted to lay down and roll around the feelings.

Suddenly, she tugged hard by the leash.

"Not now, Sandy.  We need to pick you out a spot to pee."  

The actress looked back to the man and followed his lead.    The man walked her around the yard, stopping here and here for her to sniff the ground and shake her head.  By the fourth or fifth stop, the man told her "you will have to pick soon Sandy, or I am going to lock you back in your kennel and you can pee there".

The actress bit her lip and looked around the grass.   Pulling on the leash, she lead the man to a spot next to the fence and stood there on all fours.  "Here then, Sandy?"  He asked her.  She nodded with a small whine.

"Then go about your business.    Raise your leg and pee."

Using the fence to brace her leg, the actress told her body to let go of the fluid.    But it wouldn't start.    Again she closed her eyes and pushed as hard as she could.

With a rush, the golden stream sprang from her body and wet the grass at the base of the fence.     The actress felt great relief as the urine streamed out, coming to a trickle at the end.    When she was finished peeing, she moved up a few feet from the wet spot and kicked the grass backwards with her feet.   

The man patted her on the head and told her "Very good girl, Sandy!   But it looks like you peed on yourself a bit.    You need a bath."


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