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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
2 weeks ago. September 9, 2024 at 7:58 PM



The actress shivered in the sunlight, drenched in soapy water.


She was on her hands and knees in the middle of a small kiddy pool, while the man ran a sponge over her body.  Her hair was plastered to her head and she knew her hands and feet were wrinkled from the length of time she spent almost elbow deep in the water.

"There's a good girl,"  the man almost cooed at her. " We'll almost done with the bath."

Leaning into his hand as the sponge swished down her back and over her bare ass, the actress held her head high for the man to give her more attention. He grinned at her, patted her head and then grasped her collar with his fingers.    Tugging slightly, the man led her out of the pool and onto the deck.

"Shake yourself, while I go get a towel." He told her, going in the back door of the house.

The actress shook her head back and forth, as hard as she could.  Her hair whipped across her face and stuck to her back.  She then wiggled her shoulders and hips in an attempt to fling the water from her.    Some of the water flew from her body from the actions but she was still mostly soaked.

The sound of the back door opening drew her attention back to the man.   He came through it with a towel flipped over his shoulder and each hand holding a metal bowl.     These he set on the ground next to his chair and then walked over the actress.

"Sandy, Sit!"  the man ordered her as he knelt down in beside her.   The actress sat back on her haunches with her hands on the deck before her.   

The man rubbed her head rather roughly with the towel, drying her hair as much as possible.   He then dried each of her arms and reached in to do the same to her breasts.    "Up!"  He barked at her and the actress went again to her hands and knees.   The towel was dragged on her back and over her ass, making sure the skin was dry as it could get.    

Moving around behind her her, the man passed the towel over her vagina and the inside of each leg, before finishing with the outside of her legs and feet.  He then produced a hairbrush from his back pocket and proceed to work on her drying hair.

"You have such a wonderful coat, Sandy!   Such a pretty girl!"  He told told her as he made long strokes through her hair.    

As he finished, the man removed a couple of hair ties from the handle of the brush and made two long bunches of hair on each side of her head, hanging down over her ears.

Standing up again, the man looked down at her and told her "Such a pretty girl!   You look all ready for a show now!    But first, I bet you are hungry, aren't you?"

The actress nodded her head eagerly at him and yipped a yes.  

In agreement, the man said "Come, Sandy.  Dinner time!".   She padded after him on all fours as he led her to the chair and the two bowls.   Sitting in his chair, the man held up his hand and ordered "Wait, Sit!"

She again sat on her haunches and watched the man's hand.    He continued to hold it in the air, palm out towards her, as he filled and lit his pipe with his other hand.  As soon as he had the pipe going, he dropped his hand and told her "Now.  Eat."

Dipping her head to the first bowel, she discovered a browned meat, looking like hamburger.   The actress' nose told her that it was slightly spiced with cumin and some onions.   She could feel the saliva starting to form in her mouth, as her empty stomach growled at her.

The actress's face dived deep into the bowl, so she could get a hunk of the meat into her mouth.   She then lifted her head slightly and chewed.   Swallowing, she dipped her head back into the bowl for another bite.     

"Don't eat too fast, Sandy.    Take a small break and get some water."  The man's words came to her ears.

Realizing how thirsty she was, the actress left the food bowl and leaned over to the other one.   Leaning down into it, she lapped the water as best she could, then giving up and simply putting her lips in the water and drinking it in.

The coolness ran down her throat and she felt a contentment she has need known before.    Alls she wanted to do was finish the meat and water then curl up somewhere for a nap.

Such was a dog's life. 




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