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Tersely Pertinent

This blog is a place for me to post things to get them out of my head.

My writings give a hint of the way I view the lifestyle, both good and bad.

My projects give my hands something to do, when my writing fails me.
1 week ago. September 18, 2024 at 12:15 PM


The Hood called to her from the purse.

Mary could hear it from her desk, but she was in the middle of meeting.   She yearned to go to it, but she forced herself to wait. The meeting was almost over and was very important that she paid attention to everyone.   

But still, it called.

When it was finally over, Mary escorted everyone out of her office and went over to her personal closet.    Opening the door, she reached down and retrieved her purse from the closet floor, taking it to her desk.    She reached in and pulled out her black leather face. 

Mary stared at it, longing to put it on and be a thing again.   She wanted to tear off her business suit, put on her face and walk around her office, not caring who might come in and see it.  Almost crying, she set her face on the desk, next to her purse and got out her new cell phone.   

It was a small simple thing.   An old style flip phone.     But it didn't need to be more.   Only one person had the number to send it messages when He wanted.

Mary sighed when she looked at the phone.   It hadn't rang or buzzed for a couple of days now.    She seemed to be checking it every ten minutes, when she could.    But nothing came of it.   Sighing again, she was putting it back in the purse when it suddenly shook in her hand.   Quickly flipping it open, she went to the texting area and found a single word:


Mary closed an threw the phone back in her purse.  She then picked up her leather face and gave it a small kiss before she gently placed it next to the cell.   Glancing around the office to make sure everything was in order, she hustled out of her office.  Quickly stopping by her assistant's desk to say she was leaving for the day,  Mary headed to her car.   Not quite running, but almost.

Luckily,  the drive to her Owner's house was very short.    In no time, Mary found herself parked in from of the garage door. After waiting about fifteen minutes, the door raised on it's own and she was allowed to pull her vehicle inside.

Turning off the car and leaving the keys in the ignition, she waited until the garage door was fully close to get out, carrying her purse.    Mary then walked around the car and opened the trunk.    She kicked off her shoes, placing them inside the trunk.  Next went her pants, jacket, and shirt all neatly folded and placed one on top of the other.   Lastly on top went her bra and panties.   

Mary's barefeet shifted on the cold tile of the garage.   But she knew she would not be there very long, as she reached into her purse.  First she pulled out a small elastic band.   Ruining her fresh hairdo, Mary pulled her hair into a pony tail.   Then she retrieved her face from the purse.   Quickly donning the hood, it reached back and pulled the lacing tight, only allowing space for the pony tail to stick through.

It wanted to look in the mirror of the car, to make sure the face was on correctly, but it also didn't want to keep it's Owner waiting.

Closing the trunk, the thing padded over to the door leading to the house.   It gently knocked and then reached for the handle to let itself inside.    It saw the kitchen was empty, so it proceeded further in.     

The thing found it's Owner sitting in a recliner in the living room.   He was already naked.  His ebony skin completely contrasting  the white leather of the chair.    The crystal blue eyes looked up from the book He was reading and focused on his thing.

"Get your mouth on this"  He told it, as He moved the book from his lap.  The movement revealed His enormous cock was already engorged and needed unloading.   

It quickly moved across the room and knelt down between His legs.  Remembering its lessons,  the thing put its hands behind its back, grasping the left wrist with the right hand.   Then it ran its tongue up and down the Owner's hard shaft, getting it as lubricated as it could.

With a final licking, the thing flung its head down, taking the black spear fully into its open mouth.   Down it went, until its Owner's genital hair was bunched up against the leather face.    Then it pulled back, slowly, only using its lips to slide over the cock skin.    When it could feel His head slid out of its throat and back into its mouth, the thing thrust down again, taking his cock as deep into its throat as it could.

The thing repeated the thrusts for some time, unil it could not fight off its gag reflex anymore.    It pulled its mouth off the swollen cock, trailing slavia and some bile off its chin.   Gasping for breath, the thing then again plunged back down on its Owner's ebony manhood.

After some minutes the thing again retreated to gasp for breath,  when it suddenly felt His hand on the back of head, forcing it to take all the raging cock inside.    When its nose was forcibly against His groin,  The Owner's body began to shutter.    Then with a loud grunt, the thing felt His Cock spew forth the stream of hot jizum into its throat.  Then and only then, did the thing let go of its wrist and grasp His scrotum and squeeze every last drop from it. 

It concentrated on breathing through its nose, as it encouraged the large load down to its stomach.   With His final spazm, it took its mouth off the already drooping cock, leaving a trail of sputum and cum from the tip to her lips.   The thing went back one final time to lick His member clean once more.

The job finished, the thing looked up to its Owner, only to find Him asleep in the recliner.   It smiled at Him and the curled up on the floor next to the chair, to doze until He awoke. 


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