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Emotional Domination

There are 4 main types (and each of them bleed into one another on varying levels) of domination:


Which one do you prefer to practice and why?
6 months ago. November 9, 2023 at 5:21 PM

'The only constant is change'


                                    - Heraclitus (paraphrase)



Something we all endure is change. For those of us who thrive under consistency this can be a challenge!

We get comfortable in our routines. Our structures are like a warm blanket. Those whom we know we are familiar with, and feel the safest with.

When change comes along and pulls those things away from us or shifts us we are a little lost. A bit unsure. Unstable. And even insecure.


One of the things I was taught early on was to find peace in the uncertainty. Rest in the unknown.


How, you may be wondering?


Life is a helluva teacher here!!!

That notwithstanding, I was shown in a very practical way.


A scene.


Ever have a scene where there was an alternating of implements?


Thud. Sting. Thud. Sting.

Soft. Hard. Soft. Hard.

Heavy. Light. Heavy. Light.

Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold. 


In a very literal sense this is teaching your body, your nervous system, to embrace duality. 


The more this is practiced the more inclined ones body begins to accept that change is not such a jarring experience but also a necessary and even pleasurable one.


Not convinced?


A more true to life example.




We all have our favorite.






We all also have things about each that we love. We are more adept at accepting change than we at first glance may believe.


"Drago, we have lived our whole lives with the seasons changing that's hardly anything like a loss of a relationship or an upheaval in our routines!"


Fair point. But I would like to point to something in the above statement........acceptance of change. Familiarity.


"Are you expressing that if we experience a continued uncertainty we will find familiarity??? That sounds like chaos!!!!! I am NOT down!!! 😛"


In a way. I am encouraging us to consider embracing the uncertainty, the stretching, the rolling seas as a normal course of life wherein we discover how to stay centered nonetheless.


Consider this:


Those who have been through hell and back are much more likely to be capable of withstanding any kind of turmoil that comes their way. This is not for nothing! They have learned to be adaptable. Moldable. Pliable. Dare I say, surrendered to the honesty of life.


What comes also goes.

What stays also leaves.

What is here will also one day be gone.

What today feels safe will also feel terrifying at times.

What we find comfort in will also cause us pain. 








All a necessary part of our worlds. We do not get to any shore without riding the tumult of the sea.


Today, wherever you may find yourself.

In comfort, pleasure, ease, rest, or joy.

In dis-ease, loneliness, sadness, anxiousness, or uncertainty.


May you find the center that is the honesty of life.......


Change is inevitable......but not hidden from us. It is not elusive. It is ever present.


Discovering how to find acceptance and grounding therein can be the wisest thing we ever embody. 


What practices can you employ in your everyday life that would support a change towards an embodiment of surrender? 




I sincerely hope you realize your peace today.








Drago and Amethyst




PlutoOrange - I just replied to you in my blog. full of ideas.

I understand the neurons paths part of the business, but my post is about neurons just the same. i think they cant be considered, and that changes a lot and makes me confused even more hoho
6 months ago

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