This is the perfect example of how ones instinct will guide them in times of great........chaos.
True enough.... Would that I could fight these hounds of hell off myself. If for no other reason than to keep from having trust another enough to lay them bare to......only to fall short, yet again....
When I posed my question I had no idea just how deep the introspection in to my.....
Sirsbabydoll......... I fucking love you chic. Sista Queen to Sista Queen. In your response to "stumping the professor", it's as if the Gods granted a voice to my hearts whispering. I'm still crying like a small child 20 minutes after reading it. I Thank you, with all my being.
DaddyDrago...... I will say with all due respect... Your partner is very lucky. Sirsbabydoll is right.......Most Dom's care more for their ego and cocks than they do their Subs...... Shit....I believe that can be said about most men in general. I'm thinking if there be a "How to be a good Dom 101 for rookies" you should probably be the one to head that just saying......would save a lot of future subs some heartache.
To all of you whom has read and or answered, to this whole community.... I thank you, each and every one. I give thanks to the Universe for leading me to this place and to you.