So....I'm sitting here, took a mental day off work... And I'm wandering about this....persom whom has an apt adjacent to mine. [Very old house split into 5 apts, my livingroom is all of 10 by 12 square feet. Anywho... so had me a bit of an altercation with a young man who apparently doesnt take rejection well. Now....for any of you who have gotten to know me....really...know I am a huge I tend to.....excuse shit most wouldnt and most wouldnt believe I could. Yeah...I got video and audio of him in my home while at work. Dudes are so dumb.... My favorite saying...
Go ahead... underestimate me.. That'll be fun..
Yall know me....I'll play along....
Just to keep an even kill so to speak.....I mean I got bigger fish to fry... Well now this mf is going and doing some crazy shit.. Shit that here in the awesome world of bdsm, could might see someone doing....but in the V world... But I anit stupid I keep the All Seeing Eye active. [Indiana ...he had hes strong points]. Well now as time goes by and it becomes clear this muther fucker is just....the pathetic thing needs help. Yall know how I feel about mind fuckery.... Amateurs was funny for all of two secs. Last night he is shinning flashlights through my front door. Obviouse blatent shit to scare me. CPTSD !!!! Hello I will cut you mf. So I call the cops. I mean I'm damn near foaming at the mouth to put his balls in my purse where they belong. Couple hours later I smell gas, the whole house is heated and water on gas. I DO Not use my heat. It fucked me up when I moved in day after x-mas. So I call 911 again. By the time they get here...of course no detection. But they gonna patrol a lil extrie faw little ole me. I have a sun porch cant see my front door from road... Long story....what ever.... WTF Imma have to take these flashdrives to the police in the morning.. Its shit like this that makes me hate human beings as a general. Mf needs a hobbie, to go jerk off something.... Im a little trippy of the gas being pumped into my apt... Thing is I take these vids to police they shutting this whole fucking place down. I live in a little town, spent four months on the street dead of winter till I found this hole. Thats the only reason Ive kept my mouth shut. That and I dont mind being watched but, ONLY IF I SAY YOU CAN FUCKER. STAND DOWN AND ACT ACCORDINGLY..
Weak knee, faint hearted whore...dosent even have the common deciency to be A Proper Slut.. Why I gotta school the damn mongrel . Gonna fuck this roof of mine up but damn it.....
If anyone has any suggestion to avoid having house condemnd or perhaps a hog lot I can ....bring dumbfuck to see....please Im all ears.....and they feel very large right now...time for fresh air I think