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CtAndy's Random Thoughts and Writings

Here is a collection of my various writings. They range from the erotic to the philosophical. I have a variety of writings on other platforms that I will be transferring over here in the near future.

Fair warning, my erotic writing isn't necessarily to everyone's taste so if you don't appreciate it please feel free to scroll on by. I am always happy to receive constructive criticism and engage in intelligent and productive conversation, but I'm not interested in fighting with random people on the internet. Please take any such sentiment elsewhere.

I do hope that those that do indulge in my writings do enjoy them and just maybe one of them might open up your mind to something new.
1 month ago. July 14, 2024 at 7:53 PM

You ever question if your supposed friends actually give a shit about you? Your family? Co workers? Really anyone that you see or interact or deal with in any way? Are you the one that's always putting forth the effort and sending the messages first or making the calls. Then do a little test and see what happens.

Cease all contact. Stop messaging and calling. Just stop one day and don't be the one that initiates contact. See how long it takes for those "friends" to reach out to you. And then once they do, if they do, why are they reaching out to you?

If the first conversation after you have gone no contact is about them or something that they are doing or that they want then they aren't your friend. They are using you for their own purposes. If it takes them two weeks to message you but their first concern is what's going on with your and if you are ok then they might be decent friends. If they haven't reached out to you for a month or longer, you were simply a convenience and nothing more.

Real genuine friends that you talk with all the time will realize something is up within a couple days and their first questions are going to be what's going on and are you ok. Someone who is using you or considers you just a convenience either isn't going to notice for quite a while or their primary motivation for contacting you has something to do with something they want.

Don't be blind to fake people. They will consume your entire soul and smile at you the entire time.

Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - This COULD be true in some cases, however, there are some people who -for whatever reason-are just bad at communication. I’ve run into that situation a few times as I’ve done ‘the test’ and found out that some care but just are bad bad bad at communicating. I adjusted my way of communicating with them and don’t mind reaching out to them first most times.

There are people who are just way less considerate of others and more into themselves. Yeah, it can be bad but if you wanna be friends with them then adjustments are made.

My best friends always have my best interests at heart and I theirs…we communicate constantly and it’s on both sides….these VERY FEW get my best.
1 month ago

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