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CtAndy's Random Thoughts and Writings

Here is a collection of my various writings. They range from the erotic to the philosophical. I have a variety of writings on other platforms that I will be transferring over here in the near future.

Fair warning, my erotic writing isn't necessarily to everyone's taste so if you don't appreciate it please feel free to scroll on by. I am always happy to receive constructive criticism and engage in intelligent and productive conversation, but I'm not interested in fighting with random people on the internet. Please take any such sentiment elsewhere.

I do hope that those that do indulge in my writings do enjoy them and just maybe one of them might open up your mind to something new.
1 month ago. September 23, 2024 at 1:32 AM

And potentially an unpopular opinion.

So let me preface this writing with a short disclaimer. The intention of this writing is not to single out, offend, or shame anyone. It is just an observation from a guy that's been around for a while.

The traditional submissive. A submissive woman that chooses to be submissive because she believes in what would be considered the traditional 1950s type family dynamic or something akin to it. She believes that her relationship is best suited when it is led by her dominant partner, both in domestic and sexual practices.

The bedroom only submissive. This variety of submissive woman has no interest in being submissive in any other aspect than just in the bedroom. Their kinks in the bedroom can vary widely and range from one end of the kink spectrum to the most taboo on the other. But as soon as you walk out of that bedroom door, it's done, it's over, and things are back to business as usual.

The casual submissive. This woman is generally submissive both sexually and domestically but not to an extreme. To any outside party looking in, that didnt know any better, they would appear completely normal, just perhaps with a few more kinks and toys hidden in the nightstand next to the bed.

The extremist submissive. These are the devout submissives or slaves that full fledge give themselves to another person withholding nothing. They turn themselves over entirely to a Dom that they have determined is trustworthy and capable and submit to him completely. From that point forward all choices are his choice.

The self proclaimed bratty submissive. These women aren't actual brats, and often arent actually submissive. They are just really bitchy and want an excuse to act like a bitch and not have many consequences for it except rough hard sex. Most of them think that in reality they are superior to most people and most other people are stupid, when in reality most people are just tired of dealing with their bullshit.

The fad/popularity submissive. This is the kind of submissive woman that flooded the lifestyle after the 50 shades explosion into the main stream. They don't particularly know what they are doing. They dont particularly identify as actually being submissive. But it's popular and sexy and kinky so why not give it a try. These women are actually more interested in the beauty and the beast taming the monster fantasy of domesticating a Dom than they are in actually being a sub the majority of the time. Then once they have accomplished that they will cheat on him for "no longer being exciting" a few years later.

The trauma submissive. This type of submissive takes on a submissive role in just about every aspect of any relationship she has primarily because of trauma experienced during childhood or in previous relationships. She may not actually have any real desire to be a submissive, but often feels trapped or like she doesn't deserve anything else or anything better. Sadly, these women also regularly don't know how to respond when interacting within healthy relationship practices and don't understand why things can be so difficult. Dealing with trauma is not easy and should not be done alone. For those that have experienced the trauma side seek help if you need it. For those trying to support them, have patience, and act with grace and understanding.

The desperation submissive. This type of submissive woman believes that they do not deserve anything or anyone, and out of an act of desperation, submit to doing just about anything in order to get attention and interaction from someone. These women typically have deep seated issues which they should also be seeking help with and often use abusive sexual use as an outlet to try and cope with how they feel and their issues of self worth. These are the kinds of women that you may see have listed on their profiles self deprecating language and statements of willingness to do anything for anyone as long as they can get some attention. Again, if you are one of these people, or you know someone who demonstrates destructive behavior, please look for help.

The capitalist submissive. The woman is pretty much anything goes for anyone as long as they are willing to pay. Only fans, not a problem, personal videos just $10 more. You can't look in any direction in a place like this without dodging a profile trying to send you a link or sell you something. I'm pretty sure everyone is tired of this group at this point.

I'm sure there are a few that I have overlooked and perhaps I'll do a part two in the future. We shall see. Anyway, thats just a few thoughts from a guy that's been around a while.



SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - I can't speak for the rest of the definitions, but for the one relating to Brats, I'd like to pose a question:

If there are insta-doms (stealing the title to get some ass), and there are false (insert any religious denomination) who claim to be devoted followers but spout doctrine that is contrary to the actual doctrine.....

Isn't it conceivable that the Brats YOU have encountered are false Brats?

Yes, there are women who lay claim to the Brat label who do EXACTLY as you described. They ARE bitches but not Brats.

Brats are deeply submissive and once they claim someone as THEIR'S, they can even be almost slavish. Their way of interacting is NEEDED, by a certain type of Dom. Just because they may be bad for YOU, doesn't mean they are bad, period.

If you don't want a Brat style dynamic, then don't have one, but insulting a whole subtype of submissive is uncalled for and rude.

"The intention of this writing is not to single out, offend, or shame anyone."

I call foul because you only called Brats "bitches" and said they are not acrually submissive. Nowhere else did you disparage a whole group in such a manner. Now, you DID say "they are not actually brats" but you NEVER spoke about the differences between "bitches" and "Brats" so I can only conclude that for you, anyone who is a "self-proclaimed Brat" is a bitch who doesn't take accountability for their actions and should be avoided at all costs.
1 month ago
CtAndy​(dom male) - You clearly missed the "self proclaimed" portion that indicated the non standard or typical brat, but instead the person that calls themselves a brat for the soul purpose of using it as an excuse to treat people poorly and do whatever they want with little to no consequences. Most people on the other side of things have dealt with someone that has acted like this and when called out on it they say "oh sorry just being a little bratty today".
You hear stories all the time about bad Doms causing women to quit the lifestyle after just a short time because they don't know what they are doing or they are just shit at doing it. You rarely hear, or would care to listen, to all the stories about bad subs driving Doms away from the lifestyle because they are frustrated with all the games and the bullshit but they are much more commonplace than you choose to believe.
D/s relationships and dynamics are at their core transactional relationships. The D side agrees to provide direction, instruction, protection, restraint and control, support and care, and whatever other requirements have been agreed upon between the two involved. On the sub side, the sub agrees to well for one be submissive, open minded, and supportive among other things. These examples are quite general and change within each dynamic, but the moment that one side, either the D or the s fails to meet their part of the agreement then they are in violation of their arrangement and the other side has the right to walk away if they choose.
These self proclaimed brats that I'm referring to are the principle violators in these kinds of situations. They agree to certain terms in a dynamic then never follow through with no accountability and never take responsibility for anything they do. "Im just feeling bratty today." They only care about what they want when they want it and when it's convenient for them. They use the title of brat to treat people badly and think they can get away with it because once you make someone mad enough they fuck you really hard, but there are no real consequences for them.
So no, I'm not sorry for what I wrote about self proclaimed brats, I believe it to be accurate, and if after reading this you're still offended and think that what I wrote still applies to you, then perhaps you are part of the problem.
1 month ago
CtAndy​(dom male) - And one other thing of note, I did state in the original post it wasn't an all inclusive list. Don't forget that part....
1 month ago
lambsone - You forgot the "natural submissive" one who is born that way and always travels in that mindset because they are wired that way.
1 month ago

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