There is a lot to be said about a person who is self aware. A lot to be said about a person who can go through horrors and come out on top. Is it then to be said that that same person doesn't have scars?
That they don't have fears, doubts, and insecurities. No, it is not and cannot be said that way.
Time, hope, love, dedication, devotion, touch, smell, sight. These things are all gifts that can just as easily be taken away. How would we react to someone if we didn't have sight, we couldn't rely on looks at that point. What if someone is considered a monster because of how they look, but yet the blind person they love is treated like gold and pampered like a queen.
What If someone makes fun of someone for being poor, yet that poor person is one of the happiest because they gave everything up to be with the one they loved most. Even the worst of comments couldn't keep that ray of love from shining.
What if someone who is said to be violent and cruel is completely different with those they love and care about, only showing the violence to the outside world, because they think it's the only way to keep their loved ones safe.
We live in a world full of judgement, criticism, and people who will beat you down until you can't be beat anymore. So let me ask you something. Will you let the world control your thoughts, mind, hopes, feelings? Or will you be the rare and the few, that does what they want despite what others think or say?
I'm not saying go rob a bank or murder someone, I'm saying it's ok to do the things you want to do, like taking a chance on someone, or take a chance on yourself, maybe even go on a random exciting vacation just for shits and giggles, because regardless people are going to judge and criticize you no matter what decision you make.
So just do you and what makes you happy. The world can just be the world, as long as you are true to yourself.
All My Love