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Soon 2023 will be gone

Another year is about to end. What are the plans for 2024? Mine are to slow down just live from day to day and worry less about the things that I can not change but change those issues that I can do something about. I know that I can not physically live forever in my body. But I will spiritually alive.
2 months ago. July 5, 2024 at 1:28 PM

This is a question for the Dominants or Master's do you prefer seeing the body of your submissive or slave girl with a natural full body tan or do you like her to have tanlines I prefer to see my girl with a natural full body tan because tanlines to me are unsightly. 

Max Heathen​(other male) - I prefer no tan at all, but if the choice is between the two, no lines.
2 months ago
Spanks hard​(dom male){Looking } - I agree Max and I do love the taste of sun baked ass cheeks on my submissive or slave
2 months ago
vv V vv​(sadist male) - I prefer tan lines it highlights all the fun spankable, suckable, and fuckable parts of a submissive.
2 months ago
Spanks hard​(dom male){Looking } - That is true however if the body of the girl is lille white then her ass cheeks could get tanned by her owners hand
2 months ago
vv V vv​(sadist male) - I’m failing to see a problem with that.
2 months ago
Max Heathen​(other male) - 😂 That's the acceptable way to tan... cherry... that flesh 😏
2 months ago
msMoonCake​(neither female) - Pfft listen to you guys 😂
2 months ago
vv V vv​(sadist male) - Comment deleted by poster.
2 months ago

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