It’s when you your boss hands you a copy of the Task List in the weekly meeting (even though your job has nothing to do with anyone else’s but he wants you to feel included).
It’s when someone (no one you’re close to at all) comes back from vacation and brings you back a little trinket because they thought of you.
It’s when someone shares their sub (sandwich) with you and you notice they asked for black olives because they know you like them (and you know they don’t).
It’s when you’re having a horrible day and someone comes back from lunch and got you a light up snowman to “brighten” your day.
It’s when you get a random text from someone special to you and totally makes your day.
It’s all those little things that we all remember and appreciate most. Thank you to all who have ever made my day and put a smile on my face (and in my heart) with “the little things” in life.