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The Culture that has been here all the time

When I studied to acquire my Master's status I discovered the M/S relationship existed probably for all the history of humans. Religion and Western Culture distort this greatly. Using codes and euphemisms even denial masks it presents the fact many people thrive within this often unrecognized subculture. For example, my wife had all the earmarks of a pleasure slave and was generally devoted and submissive to me. In times of marriage friction, I often heard the words from a counselor, "She just wants you to love her" "Love her" I thought I was and did now I know without a doubt I need to be a master, not some preconceived idea we are to live as equals.
4 months ago. May 30, 2024 at 1:48 PM

Yes, Friend, no matter who we are, we age and eventually get old,

I see now the loneliness epidemic for older people is a worldwide phenomenon. In this culture (BDSM), I thought it would be less of an issue, but I suspect I was wrong. Loneliness as we age is indiscriminate and has become a global problem.

"Loneliness and social isolation are widespread social issues that affect people of all ages, including older people, and have been called a "loneliness epidemic". According to a 2022–2023 Meta-Gallup survey, 17% of older adults (aged 65 and older) in 142 countries and territories reported feeling very or fairly lonely, which is lower than the overall rate of almost one in four people. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1 in 4 older people experience social isolation, and rates are similar across all regions of the world. " From a quick Google Search

Add to it when a significant other develops a cognitive disorder like Alzheimer's, it destroys the afflicted person and anyone close to them. Financially and socially.

It isn't easy to anticipate this and its effect when you are young, but believe me, when you get caught up in it, the results are devastating. All plans for your "Golden Age" vanish like the morning mist. Family and friends avoid you because 1) it may be hard for them to witness what is happening; 2) they cannot deal with the consequences; 3) they fear they will be asked to help with the emotional and financial risks in doing so.

I behaved like a wounded animal, twisting and turning in agony, lying on the ground, trying to come to terms with what was happening because of my wife's illness. 

I finally arrived at this paramount conclusion: Since we married, my wife and I have thought of ourselves as one entity. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER UNTIL WHATEVER THE END WILL BE.



Spanks hard​(dom male){Looking } - Andron you have several years on me however I see that the mileage has took its toll on me but I refuse to back down no way no how. I have seen people who could run circles around me and not move either
4 months ago
lambsone - Is the photo of you and your wife? If so I LOVE that you shared it.
4 months ago
Andron{NO} - Not ours; we look younger. Both of us age slowly, except for her mind, of course.
4 months ago

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