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The Culture that has been here all the time

When I studied to acquire my Master's status I discovered the M/S relationship existed probably for all the history of humans. Religion and Western Culture distort this greatly. Using codes and euphemisms even denial masks it presents the fact many people thrive within this often unrecognized subculture. For example, my wife had all the earmarks of a pleasure slave and was generally devoted and submissive to me. In times of marriage friction, I often heard the words from a counselor, "She just wants you to love her" "Love her" I thought I was and did now I know without a doubt I need to be a master, not some preconceived idea we are to live as equals.
4 months ago. June 5, 2024 at 1:00 AM

Yes, Friends,

When my wife passes, I have decided that I will remain a solo man widower. Googled this:

People may choose to spend time alone for a variety of reasons, including:
Introverts may be energized by quiet and prefer solitude over being around others. They may also find group brainstorming distracting and prefer to develop ideas alone.
Some people may feel overstimulated when around others and prefer to be alone.
Alone time can allow the mind to wander and strengthen creativity. Research suggests that being alone can lead to changes in the brain that help fuel the creative process.
Personal development
Alone time can be critical for growth and personal development. It can allow people to focus on themselves, reflect, and identify areas for improvement.
Stress reduction
Spending more time alone has been linked with increased feelings of reduced stress.
Fear of disappointment
Like other social connections, friendship comes with expectations and a need for give-and-take, which can lead to disappointment.
Trauma response
Spending more time alone may be a subtle symptom of trauma if someone believes others don't understand them or that they will struggle to connect.  

I underlined the ones most applicable to me.

I am not a Dom and do not seek a sub. Probably never will.



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