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The Culture that has been here all the time

When I studied to acquire my Master's status I discovered the M/S relationship existed probably for all the history of humans. Religion and Western Culture distort this greatly. Using codes and euphemisms even denial masks it presents the fact many people thrive within this often unrecognized subculture. For example, my wife had all the earmarks of a pleasure slave and was generally devoted and submissive to me. In times of marriage friction, I often heard the words from a counselor, "She just wants you to love her" "Love her" I thought I was and did now I know without a doubt I need to be a master, not some preconceived idea we are to live as equals.
1 month ago. July 19, 2024 at 8:34 PM

Hello Blog Readers,

I confessed living without sex because my wife has cognizant issues has been hare even caused trouble for me. I vowed to give up thinking about sex, and it works, but only for so long, and when my libido ambushes me, it creates emotional havoc. I put the sector back in the bottle and try to ignore my desire, but it seems like a losing battle and fantasies and dreams sneak into my imagination.

I am weathering the storms mostly, but the availability of erotica online is so alluring.  I imagine a woman will knock on my door one evening when my wife is asleep and enter my home and seduce me. It becomes a kinky, experimental sexual fantasy that lingers.

My research teaches me that masturbation can be helpful but not at all as satisfying as sex with a real woman. The research emphasizes that having a fulfilling sex life is a healthy thing. It yields many physical and mental benefits. That is how it is these days folks.

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