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The Culture that has been here all the time

When I studied to acquire my Master's status I discovered the M/S relationship existed probably for all the history of humans. Religion and Western Culture distort this greatly. Using codes and euphemisms even denial masks it presents the fact many people thrive within this often unrecognized subculture. For example, my wife had all the earmarks of a pleasure slave and was generally devoted and submissive to me. In times of marriage friction, I often heard the words from a counselor, "She just wants you to love her" "Love her" I thought I was and did now I know without a doubt I need to be a master, not some preconceived idea we are to live as equals.
1 month ago. July 23, 2024 at 1:47 PM

Hello all,

I was a trusting person, so I have been fooled, taken advantage of, and had financial challenges. For most of my life, the violations were not terrible, and I eventually realized why I was in a position I would not choose to be in and recovered. Learning experiences?

Finally, I know better now: I trust with much caution. For about a year, I searched for a companion helper (not a nurse for my wife), and I trusted women who promised to be Friends With Benefits. They would alleviate the intense caregiving I provide for my wife by being a comforter for me and helping with things in general. I was ignorant or simply darn right stupid. I trusted and paid for them to come in advance but did not verify their sincerity and validity: those several women turned out to be scammers.

Now? I have given up on the hope of finding a companion like that. If there is a chance, I see the odds as one in a hundred to be worth trusting that woman. Yes, I have emotional and financial scars. Will I recover? Financially? It will take time. Emotionally, I can not be sure.

I was watching a TV detective show, and the detective said a line that made me think: "A liar thinks everyone lies." Having been scammed one too many times, I fear I will think an amiable woman who befriends me is a scammer until proven otherwise. I suppose she will have to understand and be a special kind of person.

Meanwhile, I cherish the fact I still have my wife with me, as cognitively diminished as she is despite the hard work in caring for her.

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