Today I got a whole 5 hours of sleep.. Now I understand 5 hours may not seem like a lot to some, ME included!!, but considering the bad weather rolling through O/our area as well as having FIVE females in the Household, all of whom are on the same biological clock, and at 'THAT' time of the month, ALL want to climb Mount Testosterone and fall asleep on Mount Daddy. 5 hours of sleep is a blessing.. I awoke today to Natalie getting ready for work at 4 in the afternoon.. A co-worker was hit by a drunk driver and she agreed to work his shift AND hers.. Down side.. SHE only got 3 hours of sleep herself.. But My Flitter, who got NO sleep, apparently, spent her afternoon posting blogs and sending Daddy funny videos..
THIS is the video I woke up to in My messages, and it is now My favorite song of all time..
I hope it gives others the same smiles it gave ME this sleep deprived afternoon..