Sometimes in life, people make an appearance.. Sometimes in life they bow out. Who's to say whether either is for better or for worse? Some come for moments, and vanish in the blink of an eye never to return.. Some hold on longer, until Y/you have learned the lesson(s) Life sent them into Y/your gravity to learn, for good or ill.. OR sometimes they are there to learn a lesson from YOU.. A new perspective on a problem that Y/you might mention in passing during the conversation, sometimes just as simple as a smile or kind word.. They entered Y/your life for a reason, regardless. Be it to kick Y/you in the ass about Y/your health.. To shake Y/you out of the rut of complacency Y/you might have found Y/yourself in, perhaps just to inspire Y/you to dare to dream again.
I recently had one of these angels enter My life.. She took the snow globe I was living in and shook the living HELL out of it, laying Me exposed, bringing to life realizations I didn't even know I needed to have. But it was a symbiotic lesson, she taught and helped, as did I with her, I hope. I can only hope the lessons she learned while here lifted her as much as her lessons lifted Me..
I have returned to the Cage to continue to write and offer advice, on rare occasions, when I am able to do so..
Thanks for the lessons, Bam-Bam, you're always in Me and PrincessFlitterP's hearts..