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Finding my inner self

Thoughts, feelings, ideas and more from a person trying desperately to heal.
2 months ago. July 15, 2024 at 3:36 AM

I'm stuck in a mental mud pit. 

How do you balance everything. 

How does one find time to work out, clean, take care of pets and children and maintain friendships, nourish the relationship with their partner/s, while also feeling not completely at their breaking point?

I'm trying so hard to pour into myself, a new workout routine, a new eating plan, etc. But I'm left with this gut wrenching guilt that I'm neglecting my family because my brain is focused on myself and not them.

How do you either balance everything out and/or how do you cut the bullshit in your brain so it's peaceful?

How do you know that it's enough?

I just can't figure it out and I don't know what to do. 

The guilt is going to eat me alive. 

I'm trying so hard to be enough and it feels like I'm coming up short in every single direction. 


Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - Sometimes it feels selfish to put yourself first. Here’s the thing, if you don’t take time for yourself, you can’t take care of the other people in your life. It’s not selfish to need you time…it’s self care. While others can care for us, sometimes we know best that we need.
2 months ago
moll​(other female){owned slav} - I concur.
I have to sometimes remind myself that if I don't take care of me, I cannot take care of my family.
Also prioritizing what is important and letting things that don't have importance go.
2 months ago
Softlove​(sub female){Owned } - Thank you! It's so true and yet I'm stuck struggling to truly embrace it. I have spent so many years not pouring into myself that it feels awful. Good for me, awful for my guilt.
2 months ago
LittleMissDreamer​(sub female) - Sending you big love and light, I find if you can quiet your mind for a few moments that can help clear your mind so you’re not feeling overwhelmed. Best times is in the shower just take a few deep breaths and feel how the water feels on your skin. And then practice self compassion, be kind to yourself. The ego thrives on fear and doubt. Know you are enough and that’s all you need.
2 months ago
intenseoldman​(dom male) - Honestly, that guilt might come from neglecting yourself. Be your best friend. You certainly care about everyone else. You're worth caring for too. Turn your good energy your way. Feel better about yourself and have more to give.
2 months ago
Domfromphilly​(dom male) - Maintaining balance in life can be difficult, but remember that it's okay not to have everything perfect all the time. Break tasks down into smaller steps and prioritize self-care for better mental clarity. Open communication with your partner is crucial – establish boundaries and expectations that benefit both of you. Trust your instincts and remember that seeking help or guidance is a sign of strength, not weakness.
2 months ago
DelightfullyDominant​(dom male) - Honestly, I don’t always find time to do everything I want to do either. Usually no one does. Perhaps you can benefit from some level of structure/time allocation of regular tasks to minimize stress. Instead of thinking if it’s enough, perhaps ask yourself if you did the best you could given the circumstances. Prioritize your health and well being as being as important as the well being of someone you care for (eg. Kids).
2 months ago
Hammermon777​(dom male) - 1.Organize 2. Make a plan 3.excute if at first you don’t seceded keep after it !!! How do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time !!! Self motivation don’t expect people to help you if you can’t do it on your own hire a life coach !!!
1 month ago

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