We haven't had a chance this holiday season to go and do some of the things we often like to do in regards to charity this holiday season. I have written it before we often like to sponsor a family or do the Angel trees and such but this year we have had to take a step back and devote our time to our family to take care of elderly sick family members.
However I did do one thing which was send a birthday and Christmas card to a little girl that I saw on TikTok. Apparently her maternal grandmother passed away a year ago and would always send her a card. Her father is currently in prison and they had to go no contact for safety reasons and due to that his family has disowned them. It is tragic. Still all this little girl has wanted was cards. So we sent her some. I do not know why I felt so compelled to do so. I just had to. I am unsure if she will get them all before Christmas but it will get there and she will have them. Everyone in my house signed the cards and wrote something inside for her. So I am just happy if it just puts a small smile on her face.
One thing that we did by Proxy through my master Damon was we had made a bunch of fudge and toffee for him to take to work. He was having an office party so that was his contribution. However the majority of people did not show up so four pounds of candy was going to go to waste.
A woman who was new at his work was talking to him and we found out that her mother passed away a year ago as well and one thing she did every year for them was make fudge. So Damon asked if she wanted to take all of it home. She was happy to. The woman cried and said this would be a happy memory for her and her children.
It does not take much at all to put a smile on someone's face. To lend a helping hand or just be a shoulder for someone to cry on. I think that is one reason I have a hard time during this time of year. Sometimes it feels as though it lacks a bit of real genuine feeling. Why arent people doing these things all year around? I don't know I just know that I find the holidays to be far more enjoyable when I am doing for others then worrying about if anyone is doing for me.
Please get out there at some point. Donate your time to chartiies. Help out homeless people, purchase a gift for an Angel kid, sponsor a family, make a meal for someone, bake cookies for neighbors, donate supplies to schools, just SOMETHING. Something that is selfless and that you do not gain anything from and you aren't seeking a pat on the back.
Besides isn't this the whole meaning of this time of year?